Javier Milei spoke out after Gustavo Cordera’s support: “A bad day for progressivism.”

Javier Milei spoke out after Gustavo Cordera’s support: “A bad day for progressivism.”

President Javier Milei responded to musician Gustavo Cordera’s recent comments, in which Cordera voiced his support for the libertarian government during an interview. The president shared Cordera’s statements and remarked that it was “a bad day for the progressives.”

On his X account (formerly Twitter), Milei wrote, “THE EXPLOSION IS COMING. Bad day for progressives who like to live and practice charity with other people’s money,” sharing a clip of Cordera’s thoughts about the government. His message referenced the song “Se viene el estallido” by Bersuit Vergarabat, which Cordera performed while closing his book presentation, “Capitalismo, socialismo y la trampa neoclásica,” at Luna Park.

From his home in Uruguay, where he has lived for 17 years, Cordera expressed optimism about the government’s performance during a conversation with Mitre Live. He acknowledged that changes and crises bring pain, but he sees life and light beyond that, stating, “I trust in my country and its people.” He continued, “Sometimes, in the belly of failure lies the seed of success. I believe, and I feel, that Argentina is on an upward path. Argentina will improve. It has hit rock bottom.”

Cordera explained that his views extend beyond politics to cultural and human levels. He highlighted the capability of Argentinians to turn any situation around, citing historical figures such as Maradona, Messi, and San Martín. “There are always influential personalities in Argentina, and this speaks to our temperament, spirit, and passion,” he said.

He noted, “We are going through an experience and learning from it. Learning hurts, and now we are deciding where to go. The changes and crises bring pain, but I see life and light behind it all.”

Adding to his reflections, Cordera mentioned that he hasn’t voted in “40 years” as he finds himself in a different paradigm. He pointed out that politicians embody characters, expressing his preference to understand the human side behind those personas. “I don’t know who Milei or Cristina really are, but there’s a human being behind them that interests me,” he commented.

Cordera also emphasized a significant cultural shift. “We have been besieged by the idea that our lives can be solved from the outside, and we should not expect that outside force to take charge of our destiny,” he asserted. He identified himself as someone who values freedom, which he considers essential for personal development.

He elaborated on the bittersweet nature of freedom, explaining that it forces individuals to confront their limitations, embrace solitude, and know themselves better. “Freedom is not just a nice idea; it’s about learning to coexist with your challenges, earning your worth, and realizing your potential. I believe in people,” he said.

He concluded by addressing the idea of accountability in leadership, stating, “If someone asks me for help, I offer it if I can. But the arrogance of thinking that by seizing power, I can solve others’ lives is misguided. I find this new experience interesting because it allows individuals to pursue their own destinies and carve their own paths. I always tell politicians the same thing: I don’t need them to give me a job; I just need them not to take one away.”

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/politica/javier-milei-se-pronuncio-tras-el-apoyo-de-gustavo-cordera-mal-dia-para-la-progresia.phtml

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