Javier Ungría Sends a Clear Message to Elena Tablada Following the Court Ruling on Their Daughter’s Custody

Javier Ungría Sends a Clear Message to Elena Tablada Following the Court Ruling on Their Daughter’s Custody

Javier Ungría recently shared his thoughts following a court decision regarding custody of his daughter, Camila. Accompanied by the little girl, the entrepreneur expressed his views on the current situation and conveyed a message to Elena Tablada. He stated, “No one should celebrate too much; I suppose no one is really happy,” indicating that the resolution wasn’t a cause for joy for either party involved.

While maintaining a calm demeanor, Ungría revealed his dissatisfaction with the outcome. “I feel okay, well, I feel okay. I’d like to be better. I don’t think there’s much to celebrate. What matters is that she is well. That’s it,” he noted. He also mentioned that his ex-partner sent him an email allowing him to see their daughter whenever he wants, adding, “Of course, that was a given. The child belongs to both of us. I haven’t restricted her; when she’s with me, she can see her.”

Regarding rumors about recordings from a private investigator that supposedly influenced the verdict, Ungría clarified, “Nothing like that played a role, as far as I know… just reports showing that I am a normal father. That’s it. It wasn’t even discussed in court, so it doesn’t hold much relevance.” He did indicate that he is considering appealing the ruling, saying, “Yes, we are evaluating that.”

When discussing the financial support he is required to provide to the model, he remarked, “Well, that’s what has been established. It’s not definitive, I assume, until the appeal process is finished. But anyway.” Ultimately, Javier emphasized the importance of his daughter spending time with both her sister and him. “I also want her to be with her sister. But I also want her to be with me. I’m not asking for more days; I’m asking for the same days,” he explained.

Through these statements, Ungría underscores that despite the challenges he faces, his top priority remains the well-being of his daughter, and he intends to continue fighting for what he believes is right.

Image and News Source: https://www.infobae.com/america/agencias/2024/07/23/javier-ungria-envia-un-claro-mensaje-a-elena-tablada-tras-la-resolucion-judicial-sobre-la-custodia-de-su-hija/

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