Jennifer Garner Angers Boyfriend After Giving Ex Ben Affleck Attention

Jennifer Garner Angers Boyfriend After Giving Ex Ben Affleck Attention

Jennifer Garner Angers Boyfriend After Giving Ex Ben Affleck Attention

Jennifer Garner’s current relationship is reportedly facing turbulence due to her continued involvement with ex-husband Ben Affleck. Garner’s boyfriend, John C. Miller, is said to be uncomfortable with the amount of attention she is giving Affleck, especially as he navigates his own marital issues with Jennifer Lopez.

According to sources, Miller sympathizes with Affleck’s situation but feels that Garner’s efforts to help her ex-husband are excessive. “Of course it bothers John that Jen is so hyper-focused on her ex-husband,” an insider revealed. Miller believes that while Garner’s intentions are good, it is not her responsibility to fix Affleck’s problems with Lopez.

The source elaborated on Miller’s perspective, stating, “He cares deeply for Ben and sympathizes with what he is going through with Jennifer, but that doesn’t mean Jen should be the one to fix her ex-husband’s issues with his current wife. That makes no sense to anyone.” Despite the deep friendship and bond between Garner and Affleck, Miller feels that it is not Garner’s place to intervene.

“Jen is such a caring and wonderful woman and mother, and there is nothing but a deep friendship and bond between her and Ben,” the insider stressed. However, Miller is reportedly frustrated with the situation. “John wants nothing more than for Ben to be okay, but it isn’t his girlfriend’s responsibility to play babysitter to him,” the source added.

Miller has expressed his concerns to Garner, emphasizing that it is up to Affleck and Lopez to resolve their issues. “That is for Ben to figure out on his own and for his wife to handle. It isn’t Jen’s responsibility, and he has told her this,” the insider shared. Garner and Affleck, who were married for over a decade and share three children, have maintained a close relationship since their divorce in 2018.

Garner’s involvement in Affleck’s life has reportedly caused tension in her relationship with Miller, who was first romantically linked to her the same year she divorced Affleck. While Miller understands Garner’s desire to help, he believes that her focus should be on their relationship and not on her ex-husband’s marital problems.

Meanwhile, Jennifer Lopez is reportedly considering moving on from her tumultuous marriage to Affleck. Rumors of their impending divorce have been circulating, and a new report suggests that Lopez may reunite with her former fiancé, Alex Rodriguez. Lopez and Rodriguez started dating in 2017 and called off their engagement in 2021, reportedly due to Rodriguez’s infidelity.

An insider claimed that Rodriguez was always Lopez’s best match and that cheating is no longer a dealbreaker for her. “I don’t think cheating is a dealbreaker for her anymore,” the source said, adding that Lopez may not announce her split from Affleck until she has someone else lined up.

The source also noted that Lopez and Rodriguez were well-matched in terms of lifestyle, looks, and other aspects. “They were great together; they were a good match,” the insider maintained. The possibility of Lopez and Rodriguez rekindling their relationship has not been ruled out, given their long-term relationship and close family ties.

Amidst these developments, Affleck reportedly still cares for Lopez despite their marital issues. A source claimed that Affleck wants the best for Lopez and feels that she is surrounded by people who make decisions for her. Affleck is concerned about Lopez’s packed work schedule and wants her to prioritize her life and children over work commitments.

“Ben is not working as much by choice and she’s overworking,” the insider noted, adding that their differing priorities have contributed to their marital problems. Despite Lopez’s dedication to her marriage and children, her busy schedule has created a rift between the couple.

As Garner continues to support Affleck, her relationship with Miller remains strained. Miller’s discomfort with Garner’s involvement in Affleck’s life highlights the complexities of maintaining relationships with ex-spouses while navigating new romantic partnerships. The situation underscores the challenges faced by blended families and the importance of setting boundaries to ensure the well-being of all parties involved.

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