Jimmy Kimmel Ridicules Donald Trumps Fathers Day Message

Jimmy Kimmel Ridicules Donald Trumps Fathers Day Message

Jimmy Kimmel took aim at Donald Trump’s Father’s Day message, drawing a stark contrast between the former president’s post and that of his Democratic rival, Joe Biden. Trump, known for his controversial statements, used the occasion to launch a scathing attack on his political adversaries.

On Sunday, Trump posted on Truth Social, the platform he created after being banned from X (formerly Twitter). His message read, “Happy Father’s Day to all, including the radical left degenerates that are rapidly bringing the United States of America into third world nation status with their many attempts at trying to influence our sacred court system into breaking to their very sick and dangerous will.” He continued, “We need strength and loyalty to our country and its wonderful constitution. Everything will be on full display come November 5th, 2024—the most important day in the history of our country. Make America Great Again!!!”

Kimmel, a frequent critic of Trump, couldn’t resist comparing this message to Biden’s more traditional Father’s Day greeting. Biden’s post on X was simple and heartfelt: “Happy Father’s Day to all the dads, pops, and father figures who have shown us guidance, encouragement, and unconditional love.”

Reading both messages to his audience, Kimmel quipped, “Who would be mad on Father’s Day?” He then showed a throwback photo of Trump’s sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, whom Trump shares with his late first wife, Ivana Trump. “I guess you’d be mad on Father’s Day if there was a whole day dedicated to your two biggest failures,” Kimmel joked, referring to the Trump sons as “Drippy and Dopey.”

Kimmel didn’t stop there. He also mocked Ivanka Trump’s Father’s Day tribute. Ivanka, Trump’s eldest daughter, posted a photo on Instagram of herself as a baby with her parents. In the picture, Trump is bottle-feeding her while Ivana smiles for the camera. Ivanka captioned the photo, “Celebrating all the amazing dads out there with love and gratitude.”

Kimmel responded, “By the way, the golden child Ivanka came out of hiding to post. ‘Celebrating all the amazing dads out there with love and gratitude,’ alongside a picture of, I guess her as a baby, with her annoyed-looking father feeding her and the mother he later buried on his golf course.” This was a reference to Ivana Trump’s funeral in 2022, where she was laid to rest at Trump’s golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Newsweek reached out to representatives for Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, and Ivanka Trump for comment via email, but no response was provided.

Kimmel’s critique didn’t end with Father’s Day. He also questioned Trump’s recent fundraising claims. Trump boasted about raising $50 million at a fundraiser over the weekend, a figure that would set a record. Kimmel, however, was skeptical. “He’s not one to exaggerate,” Kimmel said sarcastically. The event, held in Florida, reportedly included multiple billionaires, but the amount raised hasn’t been verified.

Kimmel also highlighted a controversial statement Trump made at the fundraiser. Trump expressed a preference for immigrants from “nice” countries like Denmark, Switzerland, and Norway. Kimmel translated this as, “Whenever Trump says ‘nice,’ he means ‘white.'”

Kimmel’s monologue continued to dissect Trump’s actions and statements, pointing out the former president’s tendency to use coded language and make unverified claims. This isn’t the first time Kimmel has taken aim at Trump, and it likely won’t be the last.

In related news, other late-night hosts have also been critical of Trump. Stephen Colbert recently mocked Trump’s “bizarre” new campaign video, while a former prosecutor questioned Trump’s latest legal moves. Kimmel himself has previously called out Fox News for what he described as shameless Trump propaganda and highlighted the uncomfortable truths of Trump’s social media meltdowns.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, Kimmel and his fellow late-night hosts remain vigilant in their critique of Trump and his actions. Whether it’s a Father’s Day message or a fundraising claim, nothing seems to escape their scrutiny.

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