Joe Rogan says the viral ‘Hawk Tuah’ girl is ‘smart’ for this one reason

Joe Rogan says the viral ‘Hawk Tuah’ girl is ‘smart’ for this one reason

Podcast veteran and UFC commentator Joe Rogan recently expressed his admiration for a woman who quickly capitalized on her sudden internet fame after going viral with the phrase “Hawk Tuah.” The woman, identified by some media outlets as Hailey Welch, became an internet sensation in June 2024 following a street interview with ‘TimandDeeTV’ in Nashville. Her unique catchphrase, “Hawk Tuah,” quickly spread across social media, generating a flood of memes and widespread attention.

Rogan, known for his candid takes on trending topics, discussed the “Hawk Tuah” phenomenon on his podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience. He expressed his enthusiasm for the situation, highlighting how a single, quirky video can capture the world’s attention. “I love moments like that, where one weird video that’s so funny that the whole world sees,” Rogan said. “Especially the way she says it. She’s not pretending.”

The podcast host speculated about Welch’s reaction to her newfound fame. “She’s probably panicking,” Rogan commented, while comedian Brian Simpson, who was also on the podcast, added, “She’s making money! Yea bro, these kids, they own that social media.” Rogan then noticed Welch’s entrepreneurial move, exclaiming, “Oh, I need to buy a shirt!” upon seeing her signing “Hawk Tuah 2024” hats.

Welch’s quick thinking didn’t stop at just signing hats. Shortly after her catchphrase went viral, she partnered with the clothing brand Fathead Threads to sell a variety of merchandise. Rogan praised her for seizing the opportunity so swiftly. “I wonder how much money she’s making off of this? Is it smart that she jumped right on it, because you gotta think it’s only been a few days,” he said. “She’s about to make some TikTok videos, just sitting there with a cup of coffee on the porch, like ‘let me tell you something.’”

Rogan’s admiration for Welch’s quick adaptation to her viral fame underscores a broader trend in the digital age. The internet has the power to turn ordinary moments into global phenomena almost overnight. Those who can leverage this sudden attention often find themselves with lucrative opportunities. Welch’s case is a prime example of how a simple street interview can lead to a profitable venture if handled astutely.

The “Hawk Tuah” phenomenon also highlights the role of social media in shaping modern fame. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter can amplify a single moment to millions of people within hours. For Welch, this meant an immediate audience for her catchphrase and a ready market for related merchandise. Her collaboration with Fathead Threads to sell “Hawk Tuah” branded items is a testament to the speed at which viral fame can be monetized.

Rogan’s discussion on his podcast also touched on the broader implications of such viral moments. He noted that while the internet can be a chaotic and unpredictable space, it also offers unprecedented opportunities for those who can navigate it effectively. Welch’s ability to turn a spontaneous moment into a business venture is a clear example of this dynamic.

In conclusion, Joe Rogan’s praise for Hailey Welch’s quick adaptation to her viral fame with the “Hawk Tuah” catchphrase sheds light on the power of the internet to create and capitalize on sudden fame. Welch’s entrepreneurial spirit and swift action in partnering with a clothing brand to sell merchandise demonstrate the potential for financial success in the digital age. As Rogan aptly put it, moments like these show how a single, funny video can capture the world’s attention and open doors to new opportunities.

Source: The Joe Rogan Experience, TimandDeeTV

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