Jon Bon Jovi Confirms He Can’t Tour for New Album

Jon Bon Jovi Confirms He Can’t Tour for New Album

Jon Bon Jovi has confirmed that he won’t be able to tour for the band’s new album, “Forever,” due to his ongoing vocal recovery. The singer underwent a vocal cord medialization procedure in 2022 to restore his voice, but the healing process has been slow. In a recent interview with The Guardian, Bon Jovi shared that he’s not yet ready to perform live.

“It’s a work in progress,” he said. “There’s no miracle. I just wish there was a light switch. I’m more than capable of singing again. The bar is now: can I do two and a half hours a night, four nights a week? The answer is no.”

Bon Jovi has been participating in special therapy sessions to aid his recovery, with the goal of eventually returning to the stage. “Day to day, I’m working hard on it,” he told Entertainment Tonight in April. “Nothing else matters until I work on getting better. It’s up to God at this point. I’ve done everything I can do.”

Guitarist Richie Sambora, who visited Bon Jovi after his operation, has expressed his willingness to rejoin the band if Bon Jovi fully recovers. “If he gets [his voice] back, I’ll go play,” Sambora said.

Despite the setback, Bon Jovi remains determined to continue making music. “It lights you up when you’re out there,” he told The Guardian about performing live. “As long as I have the ability, I will write songs and make records.”

The band’s new album, “Forever,” has been well-received, but fans will have to wait to see the band perform live. Bon Jovi’s last tour was in 2013, and the band has not toured since then. The 2013 tour was a massive success, grossing $260 million and being the number one tour in the world that year. However, Sambora left the band a quarter of the way through the tour, and the band has not toured since.

Bon Jovi’s vocal issues have been a concern for some time. In 2022, he underwent a vocal cord medialization procedure to help his voice regain proper function. The procedure involves inserting a small implant into the vocal cord to help it close properly. The recovery process can be lengthy, and Bon Jovi has been working hard to regain his voice.

In the meantime, Bon Jovi has been focusing on his recovery and spending time with his family. He has also been working on new music and participating in therapy sessions to aid his recovery. “Nothing else matters until I work on getting better,” he said. “It’s up to God at this point. I’ve done everything I can do.”

Bon Jovi’s fans are eagerly awaiting his return to the stage, but for now, they will have to be content with the new album. “Forever” is a testament to Bon Jovi’s resilience and determination, and it shows that he is still capable of making great music, even if he can’t perform live just yet.

Bon Jovi’s journey to recovery has been a long and difficult one, but he remains optimistic about the future. “As long as I have the ability, I will write songs and make records,” he said. “It lights you up when you’re out there.”

For now, fans will have to wait and see if Bon Jovi can fully recover and return to the stage. In the meantime, they can enjoy the new album and look forward to the day when they can see Bon Jovi perform live once again.

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