Jon Bon Jovi discusses new album ‘Forever’ after vocal surgery

Jon Bon Jovi discusses new album ‘Forever’ after vocal surgery

Jon Bon Jovi Discusses New Album ‘Forever’ After Vocal Surgery

Jon Bon Jovi is back in the spotlight, discussing his new album ‘Forever’ after undergoing vocal surgery. The iconic frontman of Bon Jovi has faced significant challenges over the past few years, particularly with his voice. Despite these hurdles, he remains optimistic and dedicated to his craft.

In a recent interview, Bon Jovi opened up about the difficulties he encountered during the band’s last tour. He struggled to hit the high notes that fans have come to expect, leading to critical reviews. One review even suggested that it seemed like he had forgotten how to sing. This feedback was heartbreaking for the singer, who had always prided himself on his vocal abilities.

After trying various holistic treatments, Bon Jovi consulted a doctor who diagnosed him with an atrophying vocal cord. This condition was unique and not something that could be fixed with simple remedies. The stronger vocal cord was overpowering the weaker one, exacerbating his vocal issues. He underwent major surgery to address the problem and has been in recovery ever since.

Bon Jovi likened his recovery process to doing curls with weights, aiming to get both vocal cords to function together harmoniously. He performed for an audience for the first time since his surgery in February, marking a significant milestone in his recovery journey. The band’s new album, ‘Forever,’ is set to be released on June 7, with the first single, “Legendary,” already out and receiving positive feedback.

The release of ‘Forever’ is accompanied by a four-part documentary titled ‘Thank You, Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story,’ which premiered on Hulu in the United States on April 26. The documentary offers an in-depth look at the band’s history and Bon Jovi’s personal journey, including his recent vocal challenges.

In the interview, Bon Jovi discussed his rigorous work ethic and the importance of continuous improvement. He compared his preparation to that of a quarterback between football games, emphasizing the need for constant rehearsal and dedication. Despite the challenges, he remains confident that his voice will continue to improve with time and therapy.

Bon Jovi also reflected on the early days of his career, recalling how he would sleep at the music studio to perfect his craft. He stressed the importance of being great in the music industry, as there are always younger talents ready to take your place. Winning the hearts of fans and maintaining their loyalty over decades is no easy task, but it’s one that Bon Jovi has managed to achieve.

When asked about the possibility of reuniting with former lead guitarist Richie Sambora, Bon Jovi expressed that there was no animosity between them. Sambora left the band a decade ago to focus on raising his child as a single dad. The door remains open for Sambora to join the band on stage for a song or two, as they co-wrote many of Bon Jovi’s hits together.

Regarding the trend of musicians selling their music catalogues, Bon Jovi stated that he has no desire to sell his. He views Bon Jovi’s music as his baby and has no intention of parting with it. He also shared his thoughts on the current state of the music industry, which is heavily focused on singles. Bon Jovi prefers to release full albums, as he believes in telling a complete story through his music.

Describing the new album, Bon Jovi said that it captures a sense of joy, which has been difficult to find in recent years due to the global pandemic and his personal struggles. Despite these challenges, he believes that ‘Forever’ successfully conveys a message of joy and resilience.

Bon Jovi’s journey is a testament to his resilience and dedication to his craft. As he continues to recover and create new music, fans can look forward to experiencing the joy and passion that he brings to every performance. With the release of ‘Forever’ and the accompanying documentary, Bon Jovi is set to make a triumphant return to the music scene.

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