Joy-Anna Duggar’s 13MonthOld Son Rushed to the Hospital

Joy-Anna Duggar’s 13MonthOld Son Rushed to the Hospital

Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth recently faced a terrifying ordeal when their 13-month-old son, Gunner, had to be rushed to the hospital. The incident occurred while the family was away at a youth camp, and Joy-Anna shared the harrowing experience in a YouTube video posted on June 14.

The former “Counting On” star recounted the moment when Gunner began choking on a piece of ham. Joy-Anna explained that she was feeding him a small piece of Thanksgiving ham from her plate when he bit off more than he could chew. The toddler immediately started choking, causing Joy-Anna to panic.

“I was just feeding him a little bit off my plate, and I had a piece of ham, like Thanksgiving ham, and I was letting him chew on it and take a bite off of it, and he bit off more than he could chew and immediately started choking,” Joy-Anna said.

In a state of distress, Joy-Anna tried to make Gunner spit out the piece of ham but was unsuccessful. She handed him over to Austin, who is an EMT, while she cried and prayed for her son’s safety.

“I started crying ’cause I’m just like Lord, please protect him, like all of those what-ifs come to your mind right away,” she said.

Despite vomiting several times, Gunner still had not expelled the ham and was gagging. At one point, he stopped breathing for about 20 seconds, which left Joy-Anna and Austin in a state of sheer panic. They decided to drive to the hospital, which was an hour away.

“There were a couple of points on the drive when Gunner stopped breathing again,” Joy-Anna recalled. “I was just crying out to God like, please save him, and I’ve never been to a point where, like, I thought I was going to lose one of my kids, and it was just that thought of he is going to die came to my mind, and it just like was terrifying.”

During the drive, Gunner managed to take a few shallow breaths and eventually fell asleep, which helped him breathe better. Upon arriving at the hospital, doctors performed various tests, including an X-ray, which came back clear.

“I was just so thankful that God protected him, and we made it to the hospital, and that whatever was in his throat wasn’t bothering him anymore,” Joy-Anna said.

The incident occurred just a month after Gunner celebrated his first birthday. Joy-Anna had shared sweet photos of the milestone on Instagram, expressing her love for her son.

“These are the days that we’ll want back 🎶” Soaking up these days… Gunner had a great first birthday filled with LOTS of kisses and ‘happy birthday!’ from Gideon & Evelyn! We love you BIG, Bubba.🧡,” she captioned the post.

Joy-Anna and Austin are also parents to Gideon, 6, and Evelyn, 3. The couple, who tied the knot in 2017, announced Gunner’s arrival in May 2023. Joy-Anna shared the news on Instagram, thanking everyone for their prayers and expressing her joy at welcoming their third child.

“He’s here! 💙” Joy-Anna wrote beneath a photo of herself holding Gunner. “Thank you all for praying… Mama and baby are recovering well.”

The couple had announced Joy-Anna’s pregnancy in October 2022, sharing their excitement about expanding their family. They documented the journey on YouTube, including the moment they discovered they were expecting and their first doctor’s appointment.

“We are ECSTATIC and cannot wait to hold this sweet baby in our arms in May, 2023!” they captioned the video. “We would appreciate your prayers these next 7 and half months for a safe pregnancy and delivery.”

The recent choking incident has been a stark reminder for Joy-Anna to cherish every moment with her children. She urged other parents to hug their babies a little tighter and be grateful for their health and safety.

“After something like that, I feel like you just really hug your babies a little bit tighter and thank God so much for giving us life and breath and all the things,” she said. “You never know when something is going to happen. This is my third kid and I’ve never had anything this serious happen as far as choking goes.”

Joy-Anna’s emotional recounting of the incident highlights the importance of being vigilant and prepared for emergencies, especially when it comes to young children. The family’s experience serves as a sobering reminder of how quickly a situation can escalate and the importance of seeking immediate medical attention when necessary.

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