Julia Louis-Dreyfus on Political Correctness Says It’s Fantastic

Julia Louis-Dreyfus on Political Correctness Says It’s Fantastic

Julia Louis-Dreyfus on Political Correctness Says It’s Fantastic

Julia Louis-Dreyfus recently shared her thoughts on political correctness, emphasizing its importance and benefits. In a candid interview with The New York Times, the actress discussed her career, her upcoming film “Tuesday,” and her views on the evolving landscape of comedy and political correctness.

Louis-Dreyfus, known for her iconic roles in “Seinfeld” and “Veep,” has always portrayed characters with sharp edges. From Elaine Benes to Selina Meyer, her characters are often funny but far from being “good girls.” She explained, “I don’t play girls who behave the way a good girl should behave. If they do, they do it with bitterness and anxiety.” She added that her characters often push back against their circumstances, reflecting the real struggles women face today.

While “Veep” was a political satire, Selina Meyer was anything but politically correct. This contrasts with her former co-star Jerry Seinfeld’s recent complaints about political correctness stifling creativity. Seinfeld’s comments have resonated with far-right influencers, but Louis-Dreyfus has a different perspective.

“My feeling about all of it is that political correctness, insofar as it equates to tolerance, is obviously fantastic,” she said. She also emphasized the importance of free speech, stating, “I reserve the right to boo anyone who says anything that offends me, while also respecting their right to free speech.”

Louis-Dreyfus believes that the real threat to creativity is not political correctness but the consolidation of money and power in the entertainment industry. “The bigger problem — and I think the true threat to art and the creation of art — is the consolidation of money and power,” she said. She criticized the siloing of studios, outlets, streamers, and distributors, arguing that it stifles the creative voice.

When asked if “Seinfeld” could be made today, she responded, “Probably not.” Unlike Seinfeld, who believes the show wouldn’t fly today due to political correctness, Louis-Dreyfus thinks the issue is more about the uniqueness of the show. “When ‘Seinfeld’ was made, it was really unlike anything that was on at the time. It was just a bunch of losers hanging out. So I would say one main reason it wouldn’t be made now is because it’s hard to get anything different recognized.”

She also addressed the evolution of comedy over the decades. “If you look back on comedy and drama both, let’s say 30 years ago, through the lens of today, you might find bits and pieces that don’t age well. And I think to have an antenna about sensitivities is not a bad thing,” she said. “It doesn’t mean that all comedy goes out the window as a result.”

Louis-Dreyfus expressed concern when people complain about political correctness. “When I hear people starting to complain about political correctness — and I understand why people might push back on it — but to me that’s a red flag, because it sometimes means something else,” she said. “I believe being aware of certain sensitivities is not a bad thing.”

During the press rounds for her role in A24’s “Tuesday,” Louis-Dreyfus has been careful to distinguish her stance on political correctness from Jerry Seinfeld’s. While Seinfeld has been vocal about his disdain for “extreme left and PC crap,” Louis-Dreyfus has made it clear that she sees political correctness as a form of tolerance, which she finds fantastic.

In an April interview, Seinfeld gave examples of how jokes from “Seinfeld” would not be allowed now because they are not politically correct. Louis-Dreyfus, however, focused on the consolidation of money and power as the true threat to art. “When ‘Seinfeld’ was made, it was really unlike anything that was on at the time,” she said. “It was just a bunch of losers hanging out. So I would say one main reason it wouldn’t be made now is because it’s hard to get anything different recognized.”

When asked to weigh in on her co-star’s comments, she did so briefly but clearly. “If you look back on comedy and drama both, let’s say 30 years ago, through the lens of today, you might find bits and pieces that don’t age well. And I think to have an antenna about sensitivities is not a bad thing. It doesn’t mean that all comedy goes out the window as a result,” she said. “When I hear people starting to complain about political correctness — and I understand why people might push back on it — but to me that’s a red flag, because it sometimes means something else. I believe being aware of certain sensitivities is not a bad thing.”

Julia Louis-Dreyfus’s stance on political correctness highlights the importance of tolerance and sensitivity in today’s world. While she acknowledges the challenges it poses, she believes it ultimately contributes to a more inclusive and respectful society.

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