Justin Timberlake Seen Wasted and Drinking Others’ Drinks Witness

Justin Timberlake Seen Wasted and Drinking Others’ Drinks Witness

Justin Timberlake Seen Wasted and Drinking Others’ Drinks Witness

Justin Timberlake, 43, was reportedly seen in a highly intoxicated state at the American Hotel in Sag Harbor, Long Island, early Tuesday morning. According to an eyewitness, the pop star was not only visibly drunk but also caught drinking another patron’s beverage.

“He was wasted,” the source told The Post. “Just before closing, someone went to the bathroom and left their drink on the table. When they returned, Justin was drinking it.”

The incident escalated when Timberlake left the establishment in his 2025 gray BMW. He was soon pulled over by police for running a stop sign and failing to stay in his lane. The former *NSYNC member was arrested on DWI-related charges and later released without bail.

According to sources, the arresting officer did not recognize Timberlake. “The officer was so young, he didn’t even know who Justin Timberlake was,” the source claimed. Timberlake’s wife, Jessica Biel, was not with him at the time, as she was in Manhattan filming a movie.

Timberlake reportedly failed a field sobriety test and refused to take a breathalyzer test multiple times. “His friends were pleading with the police to let him go,” the source added.

Despite Timberlake’s claim that he had only consumed one martini, police noted that he had “bloodshot and glassy eyes” and a “strong odor of an alcoholic beverage” on his breath. “He was a gentleman,” another source mentioned. “He didn’t show any entitlement, but he did refuse the tests, which is his right.”

Timberlake’s next court date is scheduled for July 26, although he is not required to attend the procedural hearing. The singer was seen looking stoic as he left the police station, dressed in a gray T-shirt, jeans, a black baseball cap, and white Nike Air Force 1 sneakers. He was accompanied by his attorney, Edward Burke Jr.

Witnesses at the American Hotel described Timberlake’s behavior as erratic. “He was drinking someone else’s drink when the owner returned from the bathroom,” one source said. “The guy was shocked and said, ‘Justin, that’s my drink!'”

Timberlake’s arrest has raised questions about his current world tour, which includes dates at Madison Square Garden next week. “This is going to ruin the tour,” Timberlake reportedly muttered during the arrest. His friends tried to downplay the situation, but the police were firm in their actions.

The pop star’s arrest has also sparked reactions from fans and the media. Many are questioning why his friends allowed him to drive in such a state. “It’s a shame his friends let him get behind the wheel,” one insider commented.

Timberlake’s arrest comes at a time when he is already facing challenges with low ticket sales for his tour. This incident is unlikely to help his situation. Fans and critics alike are waiting to see how this will impact his career and upcoming performances.

As the story unfolds, more details are expected to emerge about Timberlake’s night out and the events leading to his arrest. For now, the pop star is facing serious charges and a court date that could have significant implications for his future.

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