K-Netizens on SM’s Foreign Boy Group Members Reaction

K-Netizens on SM’s Foreign Boy Group Members Reaction

Recent developments surrounding SM Entertainment’s initiative to produce a foreign boy group have ignited a wave of reactions among K-netizens. According to circulating rumors, SM Entertainment is teaming up with a British entertainment company to debut a boy group in the UK. Reports suggest that unofficial photos of the potential members have already surfaced online, sparking considerable interest and speculation.

A netizen who shared this information on a popular online community stated, “I heard that information has already been released in the UK, almost officially. Maybe because it’s a localized group? The boys really look like a British boy band. They look like faces I’ve seen in Western boy bands before.” They further added, “I saw a lot of comments mentioning One Direction, so I looked it up. The British entertainment company that collaborated with SM is the same company that created the show where One Direction was formed.”

Korean netizens have been quick to share their thoughts on this new development. Comments ranged from surprise to curiosity, with many expressing their initial reactions to the news. One netizen remarked, “Wow, they are all foreigners. Honestly, I thought there would be at least one Korean.” Another commented, “I thought I saw Harry Styles,” highlighting the resemblance to the famous One Direction member.

The idea of a non-Korean K-pop group has left some netizens puzzled. One user noted, “I guess it’s not a K-pop group,” while another expressed their curiosity by saying, “Oh, I’m curious about this.” The comparison to One Direction was a recurring theme, with several netizens drawing parallels between the new group and the iconic British boy band. Comments like “It’s just basically One Direction” and “One Direction” were common.

Some netizens also shared their hopes and expectations for the new group. One user wished, “I wish they would be tall,” while another expressed surprise at the absence of any Korean American members, saying, “I thought there would be one Korean American.”

The collaboration between SM Entertainment and the British entertainment company has certainly piqued the interest of K-netizens. The potential for a new boy group that blends Western and K-pop influences is an intriguing prospect. As more information becomes available, it will be interesting to see how this unique venture unfolds and how it will be received by fans both in Korea and internationally.

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