Kamala Harris and Biden Postpone a Possible Meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington

Kamala Harris and Biden Postpone a Possible Meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington

In the midst of negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza, Kamala Harris, the current Democratic candidate, and President Joe Biden have postponed their planned discussions with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who arrived in Washington on Monday. The White House has not yet confirmed the specifics regarding the date, time, or location of these meetings.

The U.S. president’s protocol team informed Netanyahu’s delegation that there would be bilateral meetings, but these would only take place after his speech at the Capitol.

The lack of an official response from the U.S. government recently stems from sensitive information that arrived in the Oval Office, raising concerns among Biden’s team. This confidential intelligence reportedly relates to Netanyahu’s intentions to make new demands of the terrorist group Hamas, which could jeopardize the peace initiative that has been under negotiation for weeks. Biden has indicated that “it’s time to finalize the agreement,” and his administration recently remarked that a six-week ceasefire is on the verge of being established.

As a result, Biden and Harris are wary of appearing to support any earlier meetings that might allow Netanyahu to present proposals to the U.S. Congress, potentially undermining the peace efforts led by the U.S. along with Qatar and Egypt.

Amidst this backdrop, Biden’s protocol office announced that the meeting between the two leaders would be postponed to Thursday, the day after Netanyahu’s speech at the Capitol.

In addition, it was noted that Kamala Harris has a campaign event scheduled in Indianapolis on Wednesday, leading to the potential meeting being moved to Thursday instead. As the Senate President, Harris will not be present in the chamber when Netanyahu delivers his address.

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/internacional/kamala-harris-y-biden-postergan-una-posible-reunion-a31-con-benjamin-netanyahu-en-washington.phtml

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