Keira Knightley reveals surprising reason Donald Sutherland wore gas mask to party

Keira Knightley reveals surprising reason Donald Sutherland wore gas mask to party

Keira Knightley recently shared a heartwarming and surprising story about her late co-star, Donald Sutherland, who passed away at the age of 88. Knightley, who starred alongside Sutherland in Joe Wright’s 2005 adaptation of Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice,” reminisced about a memorable moment when Sutherland attended a cast party wearing a gas mask.

Sutherland, who played Mr. Bennett, the father of Knightley’s character Elizabeth, was known for his aversion to smoking. Knightley, who was 20 at the time of filming, recalled feeling “unbelievably intimidated” by Sutherland’s size and reputation. Despite this, she soon discovered his considerate and generous nature.

One of the unique clauses in Sutherland’s contract was that no one was allowed to smoke near him. This posed a challenge for the younger cast members, many of whom were in their late teens and early twenties and were habitual smokers. Knightley described the lengths they went to hide their smoking habits from Sutherland, including washing their hands and spraying themselves with perfume to mask the smell.

Despite their efforts, Sutherland was always aware of their attempts to conceal their smoking. Knightley recounted how he would sniff the air as soon as he arrived on set, causing the cast to nervously shuffle about. However, Sutherland’s response to their smoking habits was not one of annoyance but rather of understanding and accommodation.

In a touching gesture, Sutherland once attended a cast party wearing a gas mask so that his co-stars could smoke without feeling guilty. Knightley vividly remembered him standing in the middle of the party, gas mask on, allowing everyone to enjoy themselves. This act of kindness left a lasting impression on Knightley and highlighted Sutherland’s considerate nature.

Knightley also described Sutherland as “terrifying and impish and generous,” recalling how he would give the cast gifts and invite them to visit him at his lake in Canada. His portrayal of Mr. Bennett in “Pride and Prejudice” was responsible for several memorable moments in the film, and his presence on set was both commanding and endearing.

In behind-the-scenes footage shared on social media, Sutherland praised his co-stars, including Knightley. He spoke highly of her, stating, “You’ve no idea when you come into a picture, what Keira Knightley is going to be like. And it turns out, she is as extraordinary an actor as I’ve ever met in my life.”

Sutherland’s death was announced by his son, Kiefer Sutherland, who shared the news on social media. Kiefer described his father as “one of the most important actors in the history of film” and praised his dedication to his craft. Donald Sutherland’s career spanned several decades, beginning in the early 1960s, and included roles in iconic films and television series such as “The Hunger Games,” “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “M*A*S*H,” and “Klute.”

Sutherland’s contributions to the film industry were recognized with numerous awards, including an Emmy, a Golden Globe, and a Critics Choice Award. In 2017, he received an Honorary Academy Award for “a lifetime of indelible characters, rendered with unwavering truthfulness.”

Sutherland’s passing marks the end of an era for Hollywood, but his legacy lives on through his extensive body of work and the memories he created with his co-stars. Knightley’s recollection of the gas mask incident is a testament to Sutherland’s character and the impact he had on those around him.

As the film industry mourns the loss of a legendary actor, stories like Knightley’s serve as a reminder of the human side of Hollywood’s greats. Sutherland’s willingness to don a gas mask for the comfort of his co-stars is a poignant example of his thoughtfulness and generosity, qualities that will be remembered by all who had the privilege of working with him.

Source: The Guardian, PA News Agency

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