Khloe Kardashian Slams Kim Kardashian for Projecting Her “Bulls–t” Claims

Khloe Kardashian Slams Kim Kardashian for Projecting Her “Bulls–t” Claims

Khloe Kardashian Slams Kim Kardashian for Projecting Her “Bulls–t” Claims

In a recent episode of “The Kardashians,” Khloe Kardashian found herself at the center of a heated argument with her sister, Kim Kardashian. The drama unfolded on the June 24 episode, where Khloe vehemently denied Kim’s accusations of mom-shaming, leading to a tense confrontation that saw Khloe storming out.

The dispute began innocuously enough when Kim asked her family for help in getting her 6-year-old daughter, Chicago, ready for school. According to Kim, Khloe had called her to express dissatisfaction with the amount of hair gel in Chicago’s hair, suggesting that it needed to be redone before class. However, Kim interpreted the call as a veiled criticism of her parenting.

“You were calling to not really ask if you could do her hair, but to let me know that her hair wasn’t washed and it was gross,” Kim, 43, told Khloe during their confrontation. “You know her hair looked s—ty.” She sarcastically added, “Thank you for reminding me that I didn’t have the time to do her f–king hair.”

Khloe, 39, was quick to refute Kim’s allegations, explaining that she had only reached out because Kim is “very particular” about her children’s hair. “It sounds like you’re dealing with a bunch of your own bulls–t, and you decided to harvest this and build up all this animosity towards me,” Khloe snapped back. “This is a you f–king problem. I swear, you just want to project whatever you’re going through and take it out on me. And I can handle it, but only for so long.”

The tension escalated as Khloe continued, “I’m not going to be here all day, so if you’re going to slap me or something—do it.” Despite the provocation, Kim chose to use her words, further accusing Khloe of becoming a recluse by spending all her time with her children, True, 6, and Tatum, 22 months. Kim also expressed concern over Khloe’s lack of interest in dating following her 2021 breakup with Tristan Thompson, bluntly telling her sister that she “just needs to get f–ked.”

“You need to live your life,” Kim said. “You have the world at your fingertips but you won’t go see the world. You won’t let yourself go out there to find someone.” She added, “You don’t realize that you sometimes have a stick up your ass.”

In a particularly harsh comparison, Kim likened Khloe to Brendan Fraser’s character in “The Whale,” a reclusive figure who isolates himself due to his morbid obesity. “I’m Brendan Fraser?” Khloe fired back, adding after Kim clarified that she was referring only to the character’s solitary lifestyle, “Oh, I thought you were gonna say I looked like a whale!”

Despite the hurtful comments, Khloe remained defiant, telling Kim to “think whatever you want about me, I don’t give a shit,” as she pushed her aside and left the room. “Honestly,” she added, “you’re such a b—h these days to me.”

The episode highlighted the ongoing tensions within the Kardashian family, with Khloe standing her ground against what she perceived as Kim’s unfair projections. The confrontation also shed light on the complexities of their relationship, as well as the pressures and expectations that come with being part of one of the world’s most famous families.

New episodes of “The Kardashians” drop Thursdays on Hulu, offering viewers a glimpse into the personal and often tumultuous lives of the Kardashian-Jenner clan.

Source: E! Online

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