Kiev Thanks Biden for Support Amid Fears of Trump’s Proposed ‘Quick Peace’

Kiev Thanks Biden for Support Amid Fears of Trump’s Proposed ‘Quick Peace’

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reacted to U.S. President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from the reelection race by expressing gratitude for Biden’s support for Ukraine. This sentiment comes amid widespread concern that a potential second term for Donald Trump could pressure Ukraine into conceding to Russia’s territorial claims.

Zelensky remarked that Biden has aided Ukraine during its most challenging times. He expressed hope that the U.S. would continue to maintain strong leadership to prevent a resolution to the ongoing war that favors Russia. This comment reflects the uncertainty surrounding the upcoming elections in November, especially with Trump’s possible victory.

Trump has criticized the level of assistance the U.S. provides to Ukraine, even suggesting that he could resolve the conflict in just 24 hours if he wins. There are fears in Ukraine that such a “quick peace” would involve surrendering territories currently under Russian control.

Compounding these concerns is Trump’s selection of Ohio Senator James David Vance as his vice-presidential candidate. Vance has actively voted against continuing military aid to Ukraine, further alarming Ukrainian officials. A pause in the supply of new weapons due to a factional veto in Congress has already resulted in significant territorial losses and casualties for Ukraine.

This month, Vance publicly supported the idea of “freezing” the conflict in Ukraine, which would maintain the current frontline. Kiev firmly rejects this proposal, viewing it as capitulation to Russian aggression. Irina Tsimbal, a 40-year-old publicist from Kiev, expressed her fears about her son being caught in a future war, stating, “I don’t want to risk my son having to die in another war with Russia.”

Recent polls indicate that 46% of Ukrainians believe a second Biden term would benefit Ukraine’s war efforts more than a Trump administration, with only 6% thinking otherwise. Despite these differing viewpoints, Zelensky’s administration understands the need to prepare for the possibility of a U.S. leader unwilling to continue support.

As Ukrainian forces continue to struggle against Russian advances, Zelensky has hinted at the need for imminent peace negotiations to wrap up the active conflict. During a recent visit to Kyiv by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, a known ally of Trump, Zelensky requested support in organizing another international summit aimed at finding a resolution to the war, with the inclusion of Russia.

In a call with Trump after his official nomination as the Republican candidate, Zelensky congratulated him and condemned a recent assassination attempt against Trump. The two leaders agreed to discuss achieving a “just peace” in the future.

A poll released in July showed that 44% of Ukrainians feel it might be time to begin negotiations with Russia, while 35% oppose this idea. This marks the first instance since the war’s onset where a majority favors talks.

Some Ukrainians welcome the prospect of a Trump presidency, believing they might need to concede significant territory for peace. Others feel frustrated with Biden’s administration for not providing sufficient support to win the war, doubting that Ukraine can achieve further successes with the ongoing level of aid.

“The front hardly moves, and when it does, it’s in favor of Russia. They don’t let us attack Russian territory with the missiles we have, and with current assistance levels, we can’t regain our territory,” lamented Pasha Bulka, a bar owner in central Kyiv.

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