Late Queen chose not to be pictured publicly with Meghan Harry ‘exploited’

Late Queen chose not to be pictured publicly with Meghan Harry ‘exploited’

The late Queen Elizabeth II, who reigned for over 70 years, was a figure of duty, modesty, and grace. Her life was marked by an unwavering commitment to her role, a dedication that never wavered despite the many challenges she faced. In stark contrast, her grandson, Prince Harry, and his wife, Meghan Markle, have taken a very different path, one that has led to significant public and familial discord.

Queen Elizabeth’s sense of duty was evident in every aspect of her life. From a young age, she vowed to dedicate herself to her role, a promise she kept for over seven decades. Her life was not without its hardships; during World War II, she was separated from her parents, who remained in London despite the bombings. Yet, she never wavered in her commitment to her duties. Her ability to meet countless people, maintain a neutral stance on political matters, and always be on her best behavior was a testament to her character.

Two poignant photographs from her later years encapsulate her sense of duty. The first shows her at the funeral of her husband, Prince Philip, during the COVID-19 lockdown. She sat alone, adhering to the restrictions, while other leaders, like Boris Johnson, flouted the rules they had set. The second photograph, taken just two days before her death, shows her receiving the new prime minister with a smile, demonstrating her unwavering commitment to her role until the very end.

In contrast, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have taken a very different approach. Their public grievances and self-pity stand in stark contrast to the late Queen’s stoic dedication. Harry’s memoir, “Spare,” is filled with self-pity and a lack of compassion for his family. His actions, including the infamous Oprah interview, have been seen by many as self-indulgent and lacking in the sense of duty that characterized his grandmother’s life.

The late Queen’s decision not to be publicly pictured with Harry and Meghan can be seen as a reflection of her disapproval of their actions. While she understood the importance of her role and the need to maintain a certain image, Harry and Meghan have often seemed more interested in exploiting their royal connections for personal gain. Their actions have not only caused a rift within the family but have also led to significant public criticism.

Harry’s portrayal of himself as a victim, despite his privileged life, has resonated with some but has also drawn significant criticism. His account of his time in the army in Afghanistan, for example, has been disputed by his former comrades and seen as self-centered. His focus on his own mental health struggles, while important, has often come across as self-indulgent, especially when contrasted with the late Queen’s stoic dedication to her duties.

Meghan Markle, too, has faced significant criticism. Many have accused her of being a narcissist and exploiting her royal connections for personal gain. Her estrangement from her own family and her actions within the royal family have led to significant public scrutiny. The couple’s decision to step back from royal duties and their subsequent actions have been seen by many as a betrayal of the values that the late Queen held dear.

The contrast between the late Queen and Prince Harry is stark. While she understood the importance of her role and the need to maintain a certain image, Harry and Meghan have often seemed more interested in exploiting their royal connections for personal gain. Their actions have not only caused a rift within the family but have also led to significant public criticism.

The late Queen’s decision not to be publicly pictured with Harry and Meghan can be seen as a reflection of her disapproval of their actions. While she understood the importance of her role and the need to maintain a certain image, Harry and Meghan have often seemed more interested in exploiting their royal connections for personal gain. Their actions have not only caused a rift within the family but have also led to significant public criticism.

In conclusion, the late Queen’s life was marked by a sense of duty and dedication that stands in stark contrast to the actions of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Her decision not to be publicly pictured with them can be seen as a reflection of her disapproval of their actions. While she understood the importance of her role and the need to maintain a certain image, Harry and Meghan have often seemed more interested in exploiting their royal connections for personal gain. Their actions have not only caused a rift within the family but have also led to significant public criticism.

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