Lit Thank Kelly Clarkson For Singing My Own Worst Enemy By Covering Breakaway

Lit Thank Kelly Clarkson For Singing My Own Worst Enemy By Covering Breakaway

It’s high time someone gave Kelly Clarkson the recognition she deserves for her incredible covers. The pop sensation has been delighting fans with her renditions of various songs on her show’s Kellyoke segment. Not too long ago, she took on Lit’s pop-punk anthem “My Own Worst Enemy.” Now, in a heartwarming gesture of gratitude, Lit has decided to return the favor by covering Clarkson’s 2004 hit “Breakaway.”

Lit took to Instagram to share their excitement and appreciation. “Kelly Clarkson has covered ‘My Own Worst Enemy’ on multiple occasions, so we decided to do something fun and rock one of her big smash hits,” the band wrote. They also mentioned that the track was originally penned by Avril Lavigne. “We recorded this while on the run. Tour buses, airstream trailers, and wherever else we could plug in with our talented boy @imtaylorcarroll who co-produced this one. Hope y’all dig it as much as we do! Add it to your summer playlists!! Love y’all.”

The band’s cover of “Breakaway” is a testament to the mutual admiration between artists. It’s a beautiful cycle of inspiration and respect that fans can’t get enough of. Clarkson’s rendition of “My Own Worst Enemy” brought a fresh twist to the classic, and now Lit’s take on “Breakaway” does the same, infusing it with their unique rock flair.

Kelly Clarkson’s Kellyoke segment has become a beloved part of her show, showcasing her versatility and paying homage to various artists. Her cover of “My Own Worst Enemy” was a standout, resonating with fans and the original artists alike. Lit’s decision to cover “Breakaway” is a nod to Clarkson’s influence and a celebration of her musical impact.

The collaboration between Clarkson and Lit, even if indirect, highlights the power of music to bring artists together. It’s a reminder of how songs can transcend genres and create connections. Clarkson’s ability to breathe new life into songs through her covers has not only entertained audiences but also earned her the respect of fellow musicians.

Lit’s cover of “Breakaway” is a rock-infused rendition that stays true to the spirit of the original while adding their signature touch. It’s a fitting tribute to Clarkson’s hit and a testament to the band’s versatility. Fans of both artists are sure to appreciate this musical exchange and the mutual admiration it represents.

Clarkson’s influence extends beyond her own music, as evidenced by the impact of her covers. Her version of “My Own Worst Enemy” brought renewed attention to the song, and Lit’s cover of “Breakaway” is a testament to her enduring legacy. It’s a beautiful cycle of inspiration that continues to resonate with fans and artists alike.

The mutual respect between Clarkson and Lit is a heartwarming example of how music can bring people together. It’s a celebration of creativity and the power of song to bridge gaps and create connections. Clarkson’s Kellyoke segment has become a platform for showcasing her talent and paying tribute to other artists, and Lit’s cover of “Breakaway” is a fitting acknowledgment of her impact.

As fans enjoy Lit’s rock-infused take on “Breakaway,” it’s clear that the admiration between these artists is mutual. Clarkson’s covers have brought joy to many, and Lit’s tribute is a testament to her influence. It’s a beautiful reminder of the power of music to inspire and connect, and a celebration of the artists who continue to shape the musical landscape.

In the end, it’s all about the music and the connections it creates. Clarkson’s Kellyoke covers have become a beloved part of her show, and Lit’s cover of “Breakaway” is a fitting tribute to her influence. It’s a celebration of creativity, mutual respect, and the enduring power of song. Fans can enjoy both covers and appreciate the beautiful cycle of inspiration that continues to resonate in the world of music.

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