The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie had its grand premiere at the Annecy Animation Festival in France, creating a buzz among animation enthusiasts. The film, directed by Pete Browngardt and produced by Warner Bros. Animation, was introduced by Browngardt himself and Warner Bros. Animation president Sam Register. The movie, featuring iconic characters Porky Pig and Daffy Duck, both voiced by Eric Bauza, is set to hit theaters later this year, although the exact release date remains unannounced.
The screening was met with enthusiastic laughter and applause, particularly during scenes that delved into the characters’ backstories and their comedic attempts to find employment. The plot revolves around Porky and Daffy teaming up to thwart an alien invasion, with Porky developing a romantic interest in Petunia Pig, voiced by Candi Milo.
Browngardt, known for his work on “Uncle Grandpa,” expressed his excitement about the project, noting that it was a labor of love for the entire team. He emphasized the dedication and hard work that went into the film over the past four years, highlighting its traditional 2D animation style.
Register praised Browngardt’s vision, stating that Annecy was the perfect venue for the premiere due to the significance of the Looney Tunes characters in the animation community. He expressed confidence in Browngardt’s ability to bring these beloved characters to life in a full-length animated feature.
The Day the Earth Blew Up is the first fully animated Looney Tunes feature to receive a theatrical release. This comes after Warner Bros.’ decision not to release Coyote vs. Acme, a hybrid live-action and CG animation film featuring Wile E. Coyote, John Cena, and Will Forte.
The film’s premiere at Annecy was a significant event, with a late-night screening at the Bonlieu Grande Salle. The audience, comprising career animators and students, responded positively to the film’s nostalgic nods and high-quality production. Many attendees appreciated the blend of old-school animation with modern humor, noting how well the 1930s designs were integrated into a contemporary style.
One character that stood out was Farmer Jim, the adoptive parent of Porky and Daffy. His scenes were particularly well-received, with the audience praising the animation quality and the character’s humorous walk cycle. The film’s playful philosophy and commitment to classic cartooning resonated with the audience, who enjoyed the absurdist humor and random jokes that are a hallmark of the Looney Tunes franchise.
The film’s nostalgic qualities were a hit with the animation-educated audience. Many appreciated the film’s dedication to traditional 2D animation, with some expressing a desire for more people to appreciate this art form. The film’s ability to push the boundaries of animation and create over-the-top scenes was particularly noted.
The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie is set to be released in cinemas later this year, although a specific date has not yet been announced. The film’s premiere at Annecy marks a significant milestone for the Looney Tunes franchise, bringing these beloved characters to the big screen in a fully animated feature for the first time.
The film’s journey to the big screen has been a long one. Initially set to be released on HBO Max and Cartoon Network’s “ACME Night” block, the film was later shopped around to other streaming services due to a restructuring at Warner Bros. Discovery. In October 2023, it was announced that the film would be released in theaters in 2024, with GFM Animation handling global theatrical sales.
The film was promoted at various events, including the Warner Bros. Discovery panel at the 2022 San Diego Comic-Con and the Ottawa International Animation Festival. An early animation clip was released in September 2022, generating excitement among fans.
The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie is a testament to the enduring appeal of the Looney Tunes characters and the timeless charm of traditional 2D animation. With its blend of classic and modern elements, the film promises to be a hit with both longtime fans and new audiences.