Love Island star feared he would die after allergic reaction on Dubai flight

Love Island star feared he would die after allergic reaction on Dubai flight

A Love Island star recently experienced a life-threatening allergic reaction during a flight to Dubai, causing him to fear for his life. Jack Fowler, known for his appearance on the popular reality show, was rushed to the hospital after consuming a cashew nut curry meal provided by a flight attendant on Emirates Airline. Despite repeatedly informing the staff about his severe nut allergy, Fowler was served the meal that triggered the reaction.

Within moments of eating the curry, Fowler’s throat began to close, and he struggled to breathe. He was given five tanks of oxygen and had to use his Adrenaline Pen to manage the reaction. Fowler shared the harrowing experience on Instagram, posting videos of himself administering the EpiPen and wearing an oxygen mask. He recounted telling the flight supervisor, “If you don’t land this plane soon, I will die on this plane,” which prompted the pilot to expedite the journey.

Emirates Airline issued a statement expressing regret over Fowler’s ordeal, emphasizing that the safety and health of their customers are taken very seriously. The airline mentioned that while they strive to accommodate passengers with specific dietary needs, they cannot guarantee a nut-free environment on their flights. They urged travelers with medical or dietary requirements to consult their website and speak with their doctor before flying.

Fowler, 28, highlighted the severity of food allergies and criticized Emirates for their negligence. He explained that he wasn’t given a menu to choose from and had informed the flight attendant about his nut allergy before eating. Despite this, he was reassured that the food did not contain nuts. It was only when his friend checked the menu that they discovered the curry contained cashews.

The reality star described the terrifying moments when his throat closed up, and breathing became extremely difficult. He emphasized the urgency of the situation, knowing he needed emergency treatment immediately. Fowler’s post ended with a plea for airlines to take food allergies more seriously, urging cabin crew to ensure the safety of passengers with such conditions.

This incident is not the first time Fowler has faced an allergic reaction on a flight. In 2023, he was served ice cream containing nuts on a Qatar Airways flight. At that time, Qatar Airways stated that passenger health and safety are of paramount importance and advised passengers with severe food allergies to notify the airline at least 48 hours in advance.

Fowler’s experience underscores the critical need for airlines to improve their handling of food allergies. The symptoms of a severe allergic reaction, known as anaphylaxis, can include swelling in the throat or tongue, wheezing, breathing difficulties, dizziness, tiredness, and confusion. Immediate use of an adrenaline pen, such as an EpiPen, is crucial in such situations.

In the event of anaphylaxis, it is essential to call emergency services and inform them of the condition. The affected person should lie down flat with their legs raised to help blood flow back to the heart and vital organs. If breathing is difficult, they may need to be propped up slightly, but this should be minimized. A second dose of adrenaline may be necessary if there is no improvement after five minutes and help has not yet arrived.

Fowler’s ordeal serves as a stark reminder of the dangers faced by individuals with severe food allergies and the importance of vigilance and preparedness in managing such conditions.

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