Lula da Silva met with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in Brasília.

Lula da Silva met with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in Brasília.

Today, Brazilian President Lula da Silva met with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair at his office in the Palace of Planalto. Their conversation lasted about 45 minutes. Although they had previously met last year in Belem, the context of today’s meeting was notably different. Blair is re-emerging on the international stage following a period away from leadership within the Labour Party. His party’s significant victory in the recent elections called by the Conservatives represents a revival of British influence globally, with perspectives that diverge from those of the Tory party.

While Lula did not disclose details about their discussions, a statement from the Presidency indicated that they shared views on the Labour Party’s return to power in the UK after 14 years of Conservative rule. They also discussed the significance of this transition in the current global context.

In this context, the Brazilian leader referenced an upcoming meeting of democratic governments against extremism, set to take place alongside the United Nations General Assembly next month. They briefly considered the ongoing transformations in global geopolitics.

Currently, two of the most pressing issues in international relations are the war in Ukraine and Israel’s military actions in Gaza. On the matter of the Middle East, newly appointed British Prime Minister Keir Starmer initially indicated a willingness to uphold the Conservative approach regarding the conflict, which could potentially create differences with Lula, who has characterized Israel’s actions as “genocide” against Palestinians.

However, Starmer has recently shifted his stance. He has called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and advocated for the existence of both Israel and Palestine as separate states. He also announced that the UK would resume funding for the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, which had been suspended earlier this year. According to Starmer, promoting a ceasefire is the only viable solution to the ongoing crisis.

He argued, “This cannot continue. We need an immediate ceasefire, the release of hostages, the entry of aid, and a significant increase in humanitarian assistance. This is the policy of this government.” In alignment with this new position, Starmer expressed the UK government’s opposition to the expansion of illegal settlements, which marks a departure from the previously consistent alignment between British and American political establishments on the issue.

According to the Brazilian presidency’s statement, Lula and Blair also discussed the G20 and various agendas for an upcoming summit set to take place in Brazil this November. They exchanged ideas on the Global Alliance Against Hunger and taxation on the ultra-wealthy.

It seems unlikely that Brazil and the UK, both governed by social democratic parties, will find common ground on the war in Eastern Europe. For now, the British government is focused on ensuring that their missiles, in the hands of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, are not used to attack towns or cities within Russia.


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