Mahershala Ali’s Rep Calls Shooting Delays Craziest Thing in Their Career

Mahershala Ali’s Rep Calls Shooting Delays Craziest Thing in Their Career

Shelby Weiser is in disbelief over the delays surrounding the production of Blade.

Mahershala Ali’s representative has described the postponements in filming the Marvel movie as the “craziest thing” they’ve encountered in their career. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, lawyer Shelby Weiser expressed her astonishment that Blade has yet to begin shooting. “That deal was in 2019, and they still haven’t shot it, which is pretty much the craziest thing in my professional experience,” Weiser remarked.

The wait has indeed been extensive. Since the initial deal, Marvel Studios and Disney have undergone numerous changes and adjustments. The global pandemic, which halted the industry for a year, has also contributed to the slowdown, leaving the entire machine still grappling with its effects.

Recently, Blade faced another setback with the departure of its second director, Yann Demange, as reported by The Wrap. Marvel has brought in veteran script doctor Eric Pearson to make some tweaks to the script. Michael Starbury had previously penned attempts at the Blade script, but the movie remains slated for a 2025 release. Mahershala Ali is still attached to the project, although he was recently in discussions with Universal about Jurassic World 4.

There is speculation that an update on Blade might be provided during the San Diego Comic-Con presentation.

Currently, Blade is still on the table, but with Disney CEO Bob Iger hinting at the possibility of canceling movies that don’t have full confidence, there’s room for doubt. Ali’s involvement was a significant win for Marvel Studios, and he personally campaigned to play Blade. However, 2019 feels like a distant past, and anything can happen.

Fans should probably brace themselves for Blade to be pushed back to 2026 at the earliest, with other projects like Avengers 5 potentially moving up in priority. This situation creates a dilemma where the most vocal MCU fans might get what they want, but not in the way they had hoped.

Whenever Blade finally emerges, it will be rated R. Marvel Studios has been shifting its focus towards more adult-oriented content, as seen in recent offerings and upcoming titles for 2025. Projects like X-Men 97, Echo, Deadpool & Wolverine, and Daredevil: Born Again all reflect this trend. Meanwhile, Captain America: Brave New World appears to have a more grounded tone compared to the space-based adventures of Thor, The Guardians of the Galaxy, or Captain Marvel.

Late last year, Mahershala Ali expressed optimism about the project’s direction. “We’re working on it. That’s the best I could tell you,” he said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. “I’m really encouraged with the direction of the project. I think we’ll be back at it relatively soon.”

The delays have left fans and industry insiders alike wondering about the future of Blade. The uncertainty surrounding the project has only fueled speculation and anticipation. As the wait continues, the hope remains that Blade will eventually make its way to the big screen, delivering the dark and gritty story that fans have been eagerly awaiting.

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