Mama June Speaks Out About Filming Anna’s Last Moments

Mama June Speaks Out About Filming Anna’s Last Moments

WEtv recently released a poignant clip from the latest episode of “Mama June: From Not to Hot,” capturing the final moments of Anna Cardwell, Mama June Shannon’s daughter. The episode, which aired on Friday, has sparked a wave of reactions from fans, many of whom have taken to social media to express their discomfort and disapproval. They argue that filming Anna’s last moments was exploitative and disrespectful, criticizing both the network and Mama June for allowing it.

Anna Cardwell, who passed away on December 9 after a nearly year-long battle with cancer, had reportedly expressed a desire to document her fight against the disease for the show “Mama June: Family Crisis.” However, some fans believe that the cameras should have been turned off during her final day as a mark of respect.

In the emotional episode, Anna’s youngest sister, Alana Thompson, rushes home to be with Anna in her final days. Alana arrives in time to speak to Anna, but later that day, Anna is barely able to respond. “I do recommend that y’all say y’alls goodbyes today,” Mama June tells Alana and Pumpkin in the clip. The camera captures Anna sitting on the couch, wearing an oxygen cannula, with her eyes closed. June informs the group that Anna is no longer coherent, but Alana still tries to communicate with her sister. Anna, though unable to speak, manages to mumble and groan in response.

The scene has left many viewers unsettled. “This seems wrong to film, so wrong,” one person commented on WEtv’s YouTube channel. Another added, “I hate that this was filmed and the world is watching.” Some fans went as far as to accuse Mama June of exploiting her daughter’s death for financial gain.

In an interview with People, Anna’s husband, Eldridge Toney, revealed that Anna had agreed to film her battle with Stage 4 Adrenal Carcinoma to raise awareness about the rare disease. “The filming was something that Anna wanted to do,” he said. “She wanted to bring awareness to her rare type of cancer because there is still so much unknown about it and it is very rare.”

However, Eldridge did not mention that Anna had explicitly wanted to be filmed on her deathbed. According to reports, the WEtv production crew was offered the opportunity to film Anna’s final moments and her death, but they declined. Her funeral was also not filmed, as the crew attended as guests.

The episode has reignited debates about the ethics of reality TV and the boundaries of what should be filmed. Some viewers argue that while Anna may have consented to filming her cancer journey, capturing her final moments crossed a line. “Out of respect for Anna, her final days should not have been filmed,” one commenter wrote. “Anna clearly was in no state to say stop filming; she couldn’t even communicate with her family.”

Others defended the decision, pointing out that Anna was an adult and had made her own choices. “Legally, Anna was an adult, and therefore her mother cannot make legal decisions for her unless it’s stated in a legal document,” one person noted. “In most states, if the person is incapacitated enough, the spouse would be in charge of decisions, not the parent.”

Despite the controversy, some fans believe that documenting Anna’s journey, including her final moments, was a powerful and important decision. “We film birth, and death is no different,” one viewer commented. “Anna stated she wanted her journey documented, and my guess is that included her death since her husband, who is very protective of her, allowed it to continue.”

Anna’s passing has left a significant impact on her family. Her sister, Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson, paid a heartfelt tribute on Instagram, expressing her grief and vowing to keep Anna’s memory alive. “My heart is utterly shattered,” Alana wrote. “Anna was in so much pain, but now she’s at peace. Her battle with this cruel disease over the past year was not easy. She was a true fighter.”

Anna’s life was celebrated at a touching funeral service in Gordon, Georgia, where friends and family shared fond memories. Attendees remembered Anna’s vibrant spirit, her love for life, and her dedication to her daughters, Kaitlyn Elizabeth and Kylee Madison.

The episode has also raised questions about the future of Anna’s daughters. Her oldest daughter, Kaitlyn, is reportedly being cared for by Mama June, while the younger daughter, Kylee, is now living with her father, Michael Cardwell, Anna’s ex-husband. Anna’s husband, Eldridge Toney, has vowed to honor Anna’s memory and ensure that her daughters always remember who their mother was.

As the debate continues, one thing is clear: Anna’s story has touched many lives, and her legacy will live on through her family and the awareness she brought to her rare form of cancer.

Source: People, WEtv, Instagram

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