Marcelo Longobardi said he might sue Javier Milei and talked about “envelope journalists.”

Marcelo Longobardi said he might sue Javier Milei and talked about “envelope journalists.”

After a series of attacks from President Javier Milei, journalist Marcelo Longobardi responded with a fierce editorial during his show on Radio Rivadavia. Longobardi stated that he could potentially file a complaint against the president for calling him “dinosaur, idiot, ensobrado, and chanta.”

“The President referred to me as a dinosaur, idiot, ensobrado, and chanta, both in posts and reposts,” Longobardi began. He continued, “I can accept the idiot comment; maybe the chanta one too. But calling me a dinosaur seems excessive. My mind is open, and I’m not confined by any ideology. The term ensobrado certainly warrants a complaint against Milei. I’m unsure if I’ll take that step as I might not have the time, but enough is enough with the ensobrado label; it’s frustrating.”

Longobardi also took aim at his fellow journalists, advising the president to look around him at the group of journalists he surrounds himself with to determine who might really be ensobrado in Argentina. He posed the question, “Should I file a complaint against Milei?”

The essence of professional and critical journalism is a cornerstone of democracy. It often irritates those who believe they own the truth.

In another instance, Javier Milei launched further attacks on Marcelo Longobardi, stating, “There’s no opinion from him where he doesn’t make a colossal mistake.” This comment came on the heels of President Joe Biden’s announcement that he wouldn’t seek reelection. Milei seized this moment to criticize Longobardi once again, reigniting their ongoing disputes.

In a post shared by Milei, a user named Pregonero claimed, “This chanta has a colossal mistake in every opinion,” along with a video of Jaime Bayly interviewing Longobardi about the electoral battle between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

During that interview, Longobardi shared his thoughts, stating, “I generally view Trump much worse than average and Biden somewhat better than average, because Trump strikes me as a gangster, immoral, and a danger to the world.” He referenced Trump’s past comments about potentially withdrawing support from Ukraine as part of his analysis.

In that same interview, Longobardi noted, “Trump is not a liberal as Milei believes,” and remarked that he is an ultra-conservative who, like many current politicians, seems somewhat lost. He even compared Trump to Cristina Kirchner, someone who gains strength from their own failures.

This isn’t the first time the libertarian president has targeted Longobardi. The journalist has previously labeled Milei as an “autocrat” who “oversteps the limits of democracy.” Their most recent confrontation occurred following the attempted coup in Bolivia, which led to a tepid response from the Casa Rosada and prompted interpretations suggesting there might be an “autogolpe” by President Luis Arce.

In a direct attack on Longobardi, Milei posted on X, referring to him as “THE PERFECT DINOSAUR IDIOT.” He criticized Longobardi for implying that he should have made an immediate statement regarding Bolivia, asserting, “He gets it all wrong regarding Bolivia and instead of acknowledging his mistake, he criticizes me for highlighting his stupidity.”


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