Marvel’s New Ultimate Sinister Six Features Gender-Bent Black Cat

Marvel’s New Ultimate Sinister Six Features Gender-Bent Black Cat

Marvel’s New Ultimate Sinister Six Features Gender-Bent Black Cat

Marvel’s Ultimate Universe is set to introduce a fresh take on one of Spider-Man’s most iconic villain teams, the Sinister Six. This new lineup, revealed in Ultimate Spider-Man #9 by Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto, includes a surprising twist: a gender-bent version of Black Cat.

The original Sinister Six, first assembled in 1964’s Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1, featured Doctor Octopus, Vulture, Sandman, Electro, Mysterio, and Kraven the Hunter. Now, 50 years later, the Ultimate Universe is bringing together a new version of this villainous team. Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of Crime, is the mastermind behind this new Sinister Six, aiming to challenge Spider-Man and the Green Goblin.

The new lineup, as revealed in solicitations and covers for Ultimate Spider-Man #8 and #9, includes Kingpin, Mysterio, Kraven the Hunter, Mister Negative, Mole Man, and a gender-bent Black Cat. This new Black Cat diverges from the original 616 universe’s Felicia Hardy, resembling more the Black Fox, a mustachioed black-clad cat burglar and career criminal.

Marvel Comics unveiled the Ultimate Sinister Six on Luciano Vecchio’s variant cover for Ultimate Spider-Man #9, which is set to hit stands on September 25th. The first arc of Ultimate Spider-Man concludes with issue #6, available on June 19th. The upcoming issues will see the return of Tony Stark and the Ultimates, leading to the climactic battle between Spider-Man, Green Goblin, and the Sinister Six.

Ultimate Spider-Man #7, releasing on July 31, 2024, marks the beginning of a new arc. After their intense battle with the Kingpin, both Green Goblin and Spider-Man realize they are not as prepared to reshape the world as they had hoped. As Harry and Peter get to work, Ben and Jonah focus on uncovering “the truth.” However, their resistance faces new challenges with the return of the Ultimates.

In Ultimate Spider-Man #8, set for release on August 21, 2024, Kingpin gathers his Sinister Six to deal with his masked-vigilante problem. But Spider-Man will face more than just a group of supervillains. Meanwhile, Green Goblin forms an unexpected alliance with Doc Ock.

The action intensifies in Ultimate Spider-Man #9, releasing on September 25, 2024, as the Sinister Six make their first strike. The issue promises an action-packed showdown between Spider-Man, Green Goblin, and the first member of the Sinister Six. With Tony Stark’s return, Peter must also explore the limitations of his new suit.

The inclusion of a gender-bent Black Cat in the Ultimate Sinister Six adds a fresh dynamic to the team. This new Black Cat, with her unique background and abilities, is sure to bring a new level of intrigue and challenge to Spider-Man and his allies.

Fans are eagerly anticipating the release of these upcoming issues, excited to see how this new Sinister Six will impact the Ultimate Universe. The creative team of Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto promises to deliver a thrilling and action-packed storyline that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

As the Ultimate Universe continues to evolve, the introduction of new and reimagined characters like the gender-bent Black Cat showcases Marvel’s commitment to keeping their stories fresh and engaging. This new take on the Sinister Six is just one example of how Marvel is pushing the boundaries and exploring new possibilities within their iconic universe.

With the release of Ultimate Spider-Man #9 just around the corner, fans won’t have to wait long to see the new Sinister Six in action. The stage is set for an epic showdown, and the Ultimate Universe will never be the same again.

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