Meghan Believed She Outranked the Beckhams in Royal Hierarchy

Meghan Believed She Outranked the Beckhams in Royal Hierarchy

A new biography has stirred up the royal waters with claims about Meghan Markle’s perceived social hierarchy. According to Tom Bower’s latest book, “The House of Beckham,” Meghan believed she outranked Victoria Beckham in the royal pecking order. The book delves into Meghan’s alleged superiority complex, suggesting she saw herself as higher in social standing than the former Spice Girl.

Bower’s biography explores the intricate dynamics between the Beckhams, Prince Harry, and Meghan. He asserts that Meghan initially displayed an air of superiority around Victoria. “In Meghan’s celebrity world, ranking depended on wealth and fame,” Bower writes. He elaborates that Meghan, as a seasoned operator, deluded herself into thinking her royal status placed her above Victoria in the social hierarchy.

The book claims Meghan was irritated to discover the Beckhams’ considerable wealth. They owned multiple homes, had constant access to private jets, and received invitations to sail on yachts. This wealth disparity reportedly irked Meghan, who was soon to become a duchess.

Despite Meghan’s alleged internal ranking, the Beckhams reportedly made efforts to welcome her, respecting their long-standing friendship with Prince Harry and Prince William. Bower claims that once Meghan moved to Kensington Palace, a member of Victoria’s staff offered Harry’s fiancée advice on the best facials and hairdressing in London. Meghan is also said to have asked Victoria for complimentary clothes and handbags, though the Palace reportedly denied this request due to its strict rules against accepting such gifts.

During a private trip to Los Angeles, Meghan allegedly took advantage of the Beckhams’ hospitality, staying at their Beverly Hills residence. “Her excuse was to avoid the paparazzi. At no cost, all her needs were secretly provided for by the Beckhams’ staff,” Bower wrote. He adds that if there was a hint Meghan was taking advantage of her new status, the Beckhams pushed their gripes aside.

However, the relationship between Meghan and Victoria reportedly soured after The Sun reported that Victoria had given Meghan make-up advice. Meghan was allegedly outraged by the report. Bower details how Prince Harry confronted David Beckham about the leak. David then questioned Victoria, who denied any involvement with The Sun and blamed a beautician, although the culprit was probably a boastful publicist employed by Beckham.

The biography paints a picture of Meghan as someone who believed her royal status elevated her above others, including the Beckhams. This perception of superiority, coupled with the Beckhams’ considerable wealth and social standing, created a complex dynamic between the two families.

Bower’s book also touches on the Beckhams’ efforts to maintain their relationship with the royal family despite these tensions. The Beckhams reportedly went out of their way to accommodate Meghan, even when it seemed she was taking advantage of their hospitality. This effort to maintain harmony highlights the Beckhams’ long-standing friendship with Prince Harry and Prince William.

The claims in “The House of Beckham” add another layer to the public’s understanding of Meghan Markle’s time in the royal family. The book suggests that Meghan’s perception of her social standing played a significant role in her interactions with others, including high-profile figures like the Beckhams.

As the public digests these revelations, the dynamics between Meghan, Prince Harry, and the Beckhams will likely continue to be a topic of interest. The claims in Bower’s book provide a glimpse into the complex social hierarchies and relationships within the world of celebrities and royals.

In the end, “The House of Beckham” offers a provocative look at Meghan Markle’s perceived social ranking and its impact on her relationships. Whether these claims are entirely accurate or not, they add to the ongoing narrative surrounding Meghan’s time in the royal family and her interactions with other high-profile figures.

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