Meghan Markle Faces Backlash Over Major Blunder

Meghan Markle Faces Backlash Over Major Blunder

Meghan Markle is once again at the center of controversy following the release of her latest product line. The Duchess of Sussex has faced significant backlash after the timing of her product promotion was seen as an attempt to overshadow a major royal event.

Meghan recently sent samples of her new raspberry jam and dog biscuits to friends, including Prince Harry’s close friend Nacho Figueras. Figueras took to social media to share his glowing review of the products. However, his post came just hours before the Trooping the Colour ceremony, leading to accusations that Meghan was trying to divert attention from the Royal Family.

Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams weighed in on the situation, stating that Meghan and Harry are fully aware that their actions are closely monitored by the press. Speaking to The Sun, Fitzwilliams argued that the couple has consistently disregarded royal protocol, suggesting that they should have avoided any scheduling conflicts with significant royal events.

Fitzwilliams emphasized that Meghan likely did not receive advice from her public relations team to proceed with the promotion at that time, calling the situation “something of a joke.” However, PR expert Lynn Carratt defended Meghan, noting that she had no control over when Figueras would post his review and that it did not overshadow the royal event.

The raspberry jam is the second product in a line of preserves that Meghan plans to launch once her brand’s new website goes live. Previously, she shared an exclusive batch of 50 jars of strawberry jam with close friends and influencers. The dog biscuits, packaged in a small jar with a handwritten label, are a new addition to her product lineup.

Figueras’s Instagram post came just hours before King Charles stepped out in the rain to mark his official birthday with senior members of the Royal Family. The event also marked the first public appearance of Kate Middleton since the beginning of the year, as she has been undergoing preventative cancer treatment.

This is not the first time Meghan has faced criticism for her actions. In the couple’s Netflix docuseries, “Harry & Meghan,” Meghan performed an exaggerated curtsy while recounting her first meeting with Queen Elizabeth II. The moment sparked backlash, with critics accusing her of mocking British customs and disrespecting the late Queen.

Royal biographer Robert Hardman, in his book “The Making of a King: King Charles III and the Modern Monarchy,” described Prince Harry’s reaction to Meghan’s curtsy re-enactment as “queasy.” Hardman noted that Harry likely understood the potential consequences of the moment but was unable to do anything about it.

Despite the criticism, Meghan has been seen performing respectful curtsies to Queen Elizabeth II in various instances, which have been shared by fans on social media. Harry and Meghan have not commented on Hardman’s book, which includes additional observations about their relationships with King Charles and other members of the royal family.

In another chapter, Hardman cites an unnamed friend of Prince William who claimed that Harry’s comment about royal men marrying women who “fit the mold” hurt his brother. The friend described the comment as a blatant attack on Catherine, the Princess of Wales, and said it was a low point for William.

The controversy surrounding Meghan’s product promotion and her actions in the Netflix docuseries highlights the ongoing scrutiny faced by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. As they continue to navigate their roles outside the royal family, their every move remains under the microscope, with critics quick to pounce on any perceived missteps.

Meghan’s latest product line has yet to be officially launched, but the backlash over the timing of the promotion serves as a reminder of the challenges she and Harry face in balancing their personal and professional lives with the expectations of the public and the media.

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