Meghan Markle Sought Free Clothes from Victoria Beckham Reveals New Book

Meghan Markle Sought Free Clothes from Victoria Beckham Reveals New Book

In a surprising revelation, Meghan Markle reportedly sought free clothes from Victoria Beckham during her engagement to Prince Harry. This request, however, was blocked by Buckingham Palace, as it went against their established rules. This intriguing detail is part of Tom Bower’s new book, “The House of Beckham,” which has just been released in the UK and is set to hit US shelves soon.

The book delves into the fallout between Meghan Markle and the Beckhams, a relationship that once seemed close. Markle, who stayed at the Beckhams’ Beverly Hills home during a trip to Los Angeles, was initially on good terms with the famous couple. Victoria Beckham even offered beauty advice to Markle through her staff, suggesting the best facials and hairdressers in London.

However, the relationship soured when Markle suspected Victoria of leaking a story to the press. The Sun had reported that Victoria had given Meghan makeup advice, which led Markle to believe that her privacy had been breached. This incident caused a significant rift between the two women, with Markle becoming increasingly wary of media scrutiny into her past.

According to Bower, Prince Harry was instructed to confront David Beckham about the leak. David, in turn, questioned Victoria, who denied any involvement and blamed a beautician for the leak. Despite attending Harry and Meghan’s wedding, the Beckhams felt slighted when they were not invited to a celebrity-filled dinner that included guests like George Clooney.

Victoria Beckham reportedly felt insulted by the snub, and photos from the wedding ceremony at St. George’s Chapel showed her looking stony-faced. Despite the tension, Markle continued to support Victoria’s fashion line, wearing pieces from her collection on several public occasions.

The strained relationship between the Sussexes and the Beckhams persisted, with Harry and Meghan notably absent from the lavish wedding of David and Victoria’s son, Brooklyn Beckham, to Nicola Peltz in 2022.

Tom Bower’s book also touches on David Beckham’s failed bid for a knighthood, which was derailed by tax issues and controversial private emails. Despite his extensive charity work and efforts to boost his public image, Beckham’s knighthood was rejected due to his tax avoidance schemes and extravagant lifestyle.

In one of the leaked emails, Beckham expressed his frustration, stating that he would have received such an honor if he were American. He also criticized Welsh opera singer Katherine Jenkins for receiving an OBE, questioning her contributions compared to his own.

The emails, which were hacked and published online in 2017, revealed Beckham’s anger and disappointment at being overlooked for a knighthood. His tax avoidance, coupled with his luxurious lifestyle, ultimately cost him the prestigious honor.

Despite resolving his tax issues and being cleared for a knighthood in 2021, Beckham has continued to be snubbed, including by the new monarch, King Charles, who left him off the honors list for 2024.

“The House of Beckham” provides a detailed account of these events, shedding light on the complex relationships and controversies surrounding the Beckhams and the Sussexes. The book is sure to spark further discussion and interest as it becomes available to readers in the US.

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