Meghan Markle’s Move to Divert Attention From Kate Middleton

Meghan Markle’s Move to Divert Attention From Kate Middleton

Meghan Markle’s Move to Divert Attention From Kate Middleton

Meghan Markle has recently faced criticism for what many see as a calculated attempt to shift the spotlight away from Kate Middleton. Just hours before the Trooping the Colour event and Kate Middleton’s much-anticipated return following her cancer diagnosis, Meghan launched two new products from her lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard. The timing of this launch has raised eyebrows and sparked a wave of commentary.

Prince Harry’s friend, Nacho Figueras, shared images of luxury raspberry jam and dog biscuits from Meghan’s brand on social media. This move has been labeled as “odd” and “ridiculous” by royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams. He pointed out that Meghan and Harry are well aware that their every action is closely monitored by the press. Fitzwilliams found it particularly strange that they would choose to launch new products on the day of such a significant royal event.

Fitzwilliams suggested that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex might be trying to divert attention from the royal family’s headline-making events. He noted that the Sussexes have never adhered strictly to royal protocol, which typically avoids scheduling conflicts. According to Fitzwilliams, no public relations consultant would have advised Meghan to make such a move. He added that if Meghan had simply sent the jam to a friend, she should have asked them not to post it publicly, as it opens them up to ridicule.

The timing of Meghan’s product launch has led to speculation that it was a deliberate attempt to overshadow Kate Middleton’s return. This isn’t the first time Meghan has been accused of trying to divert attention from the royal family. Her actions have often been scrutinized and interpreted as attempts to shift the narrative in her favor.

In another twist, Meghan’s new lifestyle website, American Riviera Orchard, was reportedly hijacked by an anonymous user. This individual, who appears to be a die-hard fan of Kate Middleton, used the website’s UK domain to redirect users to a food bank charity. The anonymous user left a message of best wishes for Kate, making it clear that the page was not affiliated with Meghan. This act of digital sabotage further complicates the narrative surrounding Meghan’s recent actions.

Meghan’s announcement of her new lifestyle brand in March included the release of 50 limited edition jars of jam sent to influencers. This was part of a promotional strategy ahead of the brand’s official launch. However, the timing of the product launch, coinciding with Kate’s return, has led to widespread criticism.

The public’s reaction to Meghan’s actions highlights the ongoing tension between her and the rest of the royal family. Meghan’s approach to her public image and brand has often been at odds with traditional royal protocol. This latest incident is seen by many as another example of her willingness to break with tradition and carve out her own path.

Kate Middleton, on the other hand, has long been seen as the epitome of royal decorum. Her public appearances are carefully managed, and she has consistently adhered to the expectations placed upon her as a member of the royal family. Kate’s return following her cancer diagnosis was a significant moment, and many feel that Meghan’s actions were an attempt to overshadow this important event.

The contrast between Meghan and Kate’s approaches to their public roles is stark. While Kate embodies a more traditional, reserved form of royal femininity, Meghan has often been more outspoken and willing to challenge norms. This difference in approach has fueled much of the public and media interest in their relationship.

As the public continues to scrutinize Meghan’s actions, it remains to be seen how this latest incident will impact her relationship with the royal family and the public’s perception of her. The timing of her product launch has certainly added another layer of complexity to the ongoing narrative surrounding Meghan Markle and her place within the royal family.

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