Megyn Kelly mocks Hillary Clinton book cover calling it as cringeworthy as Joan Rivers

Megyn Kelly mocks Hillary Clinton book cover calling it as cringeworthy as Joan Rivers

Megyn Kelly has once again stirred controversy, this time by mocking the cover of Hillary Clinton’s new book, comparing it to the late comedian Joan Rivers in a scathing critique. The outspoken podcaster and former Fox News host took to her platform to express her disdain for the book cover, calling it “cringeworthy.”

Kelly’s comments came during a segment on her SiriusXM show, “The Megyn Kelly Show,” where she didn’t hold back her thoughts on Clinton’s latest literary endeavor. “I saw the cover of Hillary Clinton’s new book, and I have to say, it’s as cringeworthy as Joan Rivers,” Kelly remarked. “It’s like they’re trying too hard to make her look relatable and hip, but it just falls flat.”

The comparison to Joan Rivers, known for her sharp wit and often controversial humor, was not lost on Kelly’s audience. Rivers, who passed away in 2014, was a beloved yet polarizing figure in the entertainment industry, much like Clinton in the political arena. Kelly’s jab seemed to suggest that Clinton’s attempt to connect with a broader audience through her book cover was as forced and awkward as some of Rivers’ more infamous jokes.

Kelly’s critique didn’t stop at the book cover. She went on to question the content and purpose of Clinton’s book, suggesting that it was another attempt by the former Secretary of State to stay relevant in the public eye. “What is she even trying to achieve with this book?” Kelly asked rhetorically. “Is it another attempt to rewrite history or to position herself for another run at the White House? Either way, it’s just sad.”

The book in question, co-authored by Clinton and her daughter Chelsea, aims to highlight the stories of women who have inspired them. Titled “The Book of Gutsy Women,” it features a collection of essays about various female trailblazers. While the content has been praised by some for its empowering message, Kelly’s focus remained squarely on the presentation and the perceived motivations behind it.

Kelly’s comments quickly sparked a flurry of reactions on social media. Supporters of Clinton were quick to defend her, accusing Kelly of being unnecessarily harsh and dismissive. “Megyn Kelly’s obsession with Hillary Clinton is getting old,” one Twitter user wrote. “Why can’t she just let her be and focus on her own career?”

Others, however, sided with Kelly, agreeing that Clinton’s attempts to remain in the spotlight often come across as disingenuous. “Megyn Kelly is right,” another user tweeted. “Hillary Clinton needs to stop trying to be something she’s not. It’s embarrassing.”

This isn’t the first time Kelly has taken aim at Clinton. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Kelly was a vocal critic of Clinton, often questioning her policies and integrity. Their contentious history adds another layer to Kelly’s recent comments, making it clear that her disdain for Clinton is both personal and political.

Kelly’s critique of Clinton’s book cover also comes at a time when the former First Lady is rumored to be considering another run for the presidency in 2024. While Clinton has not confirmed these speculations, her continued presence in the political and public spheres keeps the rumor mill churning. Kelly’s comments, therefore, can be seen as part of a broader narrative that questions Clinton’s ongoing relevance and intentions.

In the world of political commentary, Kelly’s remarks are far from unusual. Public figures, especially those as polarizing as Clinton, are often subjected to intense scrutiny and criticism. However, Kelly’s comparison to Joan Rivers adds a unique twist, blending political critique with a touch of pop culture.

As the conversation around Clinton’s book and potential political future continues, it’s clear that figures like Megyn Kelly will remain vocal in their opinions. Whether one agrees with Kelly or not, her comments serve as a reminder of the deeply divided opinions that Clinton continues to evoke.

In the end, Kelly’s mockery of Clinton’s book cover is just another chapter in the ongoing saga of their public feud. It highlights the enduring nature of political rivalries and the ways in which they can spill over into other aspects of public life. For now, Clinton’s book will continue to be a topic of discussion, both for its content and its cover, thanks in part to Kelly’s pointed critique.

Source: The Megyn Kelly Show, SiriusXM

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