Michael Jackson and Beyoncé in Alright music video

Michael Jackson and Beyoncé in Alright music video

Victoria Monét has once again captured the spotlight with her latest music video for “Alright,” a track from her acclaimed album JAGUAR II. The Grammy-winning artist has skillfully woven tributes to some of the most iconic figures in music history, including Michael Jackson and Beyoncé, into her new visual masterpiece.

Released late Monday night, the “Alright” music video has quickly become a trending sensation. Monét, known for her meticulous attention to detail and creative vision, collaborated with choreographer Sean Bankhead and director Dave Meyers to bring this homage to life. The video is a vibrant blend of nostalgia and modernity, paying respect to the legends while showcasing Monét’s unique artistry.

In the video, Monét dons a pinstripe suit and matching fedora, a clear nod to Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal.” This iconic look is just one of the many references that fans have eagerly pointed out. Toward the end of the video, Monét and her crew of dancers strut through the rain, evoking memories of Beyoncé’s debut solo single, “Crazy in Love.” These visual cues are not just mere imitations but are infused with Monét’s own style, making them fresh and exciting.

The video also includes a subtle reference to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” In a teaser shared earlier on Monday, Monét showcased the song’s title on a vintage theater marquee and wore a letterman jacket monogrammed with her first initial, reminiscent of Jackson’s iconic look in the “Thriller” video. These thoughtful details have not gone unnoticed by fans, who have praised Monét for her ability to blend homage with innovation.

Monét’s announcement of the “Alright” music video during her live set at this year’s Coachella music festival was met with overwhelming excitement. Fans had been campaigning for months for her to release the track as a single, and the video has certainly lived up to their expectations. The sultry club banger, produced by Kaytranada, has been a favorite since the release of JAGUAR II last summer.

In a conversation with Harper’s Bazaar last year, Monét delved into her creative process as a songwriter and visual artist. She described her approach as almost mystical, with ideas coming to her as if they were gifts. This intuitive method extends to her music videos and tour visuals, where she is very specific about the directors she collaborates with, the style she aims for, and the references she incorporates.

Monét’s dedication to her craft has paid off in spades. In February, she took home three Grammy Awards for JAGUAR II, including Best Engineered Album, Best R&B Album, and Best New Artist. Her ability to channel the essence of her musical idols while maintaining her own distinct voice has solidified her place in the industry.

The “Alright” music video is a testament to Monét’s talent and vision. The choreography, mood, and visual elements all come together to create a captivating experience that honors the past while looking toward the future. Fans have been quick to praise the video, with one user commenting on the ode to Janet Jackson’s “Feedback” and “Alright,” as well as Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal.” The modern elements and incredible choreography have made the video a standout.

Victoria Monét’s ability to pay tribute to legends like Michael Jackson and Beyoncé while creating something entirely her own is a rare talent. The “Alright” music video is not just a visual treat but a celebration of the rich history of music and dance. As Monét continues to rise, her work serves as a reminder of the power of creativity and the enduring influence of the greats who came before her.

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