Michael Moore Labels Biden’s Campaign the ‘Cruelest Form of Elder Abuse Yet’

Michael Moore Labels Biden’s Campaign the ‘Cruelest Form of Elder Abuse Yet’

Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore has recently accused President Joe Biden’s campaign of committing “the cruelest form of elder abuse” by pushing the 81-year-old to continue his 2024 re-election bid despite his apparent struggles during the recent debate.

Moore, who has become a vocal critic of Biden, expressed his concerns over the weekend amid increasing calls from Democrats for Biden to step down from the race. On his latest episode of the “Rumble” podcast, Moore stated, “If I have to be the only one to stand for Joe Biden — that’s right, you heard me say that — if I have to be the only one to stand up for Joe Biden here, to protect him from the cruelest form of elder abuse I’ve ever been forced to watch, well then that’s what I’ll do.”

The “Bowling for Columbine” director was visibly shocked by Biden’s debate performance against former President Donald Trump, suggesting that Biden should consider stepping down before the end of his current term, let alone run for another four years. “This is about whether he should serve another four days,” Moore emphasized. “Let the doctors examine you. Then do the right thing.”

Moore dismissed the excuses provided by Biden’s team, such as jet lag and a cold, as “malarkey,” a term often used by Biden himself. “He was in epic distress that Thursday night. Every cognitive default in his mind seemed to be shutting down,” Moore said. “If this had been somebody that you truly cared about, loved, embraced, what would you have done? Would you have seriously even let him go out on that stage?”

Moore questioned the decision to send an 81-year-old onto a debate stage to face a formidable opponent like Trump at 9 p.m., a debate that lasted until 10:42 p.m. “Honestly, have any one of you ever looked at the clock, saw that it was getting near 11 p.m. and said to yourself, ‘I think I’m going to give Grams and Gramps a call’?” he asked.

The “Fahrenheit 9/11” director also expressed disbelief that Biden’s campaign staff still had their jobs following the debate, a point that Trump himself raised during the debate. “Trump was right — I know, there’s words I’ve never spoken — Trump was right when he turned to Biden to ask him what his problem was as to why he never fires anybody,” Moore said. “It’s amazing to me how a week later now, anyone on this campaign staff still has a job! How is that possible?!”

Moore further questioned whether Biden should remain in the White House until the election in November. “President Biden, thank you for the good you have done. You will be remembered throughout the ages. But not if you let your enablers hound you into doing what your body is begging you not to do,” Moore continued. “Be the one who not only stopped Trump but also the brave man who gave us our first woman in the Oval Office. She will complete your mission — and we will stand beside her. This is your moment in history.”

Moore’s comments come amid reports of uncertainty regarding Biden’s re-election campaign. A top campaign official reportedly told at least one megadonor that Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 election is “only a matter of time,” according to TMZ. Multiple Democratic officials have also publicly called for him to drop out. The official reportedly said that the focus had shifted from singular support of Biden’s re-election to ensuring that “Democrats have to retain The White House” following Biden’s poor performance in the debate against Trump.

Biden, the oldest president in history at 81, appeared opposite Trump on the debate stage for the first time since the 2020 election. His performance did little to quell concerns about his vigor and energy. The president appeared to struggle with his voice, clearing his throat and coughing multiple times, and was often seen open-mouthed and staring when Trump spoke, occasionally struggling to finish sentences.

Biden’s performance reportedly led to “panic” among Democrats, according to longtime Democratic operative and CNN senior political commentator David Axelrod. “He seemed a little disoriented. He did get stronger as the debate went on. But by that time, I think the panic had set in,” Axelrod said, adding that “there are going to be discussions about whether he should continue.”

Adding to the chorus of voices calling for Biden to step aside, Oscar-winner Michael Moore published a piece on his website urging the president not to “let your enablers hound you into doing what your body is begging you not to do.” On his podcast, Moore reiterated his stance, calling Biden’s debate appearance “the cruelest form of elder abuse I’ve ever been forced to watch.”

Moore suggested Vice President Kamala Harris as a potential replacement. “Be the one who not only stopped Trump, but also the brave man who gave us our first woman in the Oval Office,” he urged. “She will complete your mission — and we will stand beside her.”

Despite the mounting pressure, Biden insisted that he is not only staying in the race but will win. However, others in Hollywood remain skeptical. After calling for Biden to “step aside” over the weekend, Rob Reiner tweeted, “If we see the Joe Biden that appeared on Morning Joe today every day until Nov. 5, he’ll be able to shut up people like me who think he should step aside.”

Meanwhile, author Don Winslow, who has staunchly supported Biden since the debate, criticized Reiner for his flip-flop. “It took you all of 24 hours to change your mind and retract your tweet,” Winslow wrote on X, where he reshared Reiner’s post. “The only problem is that your ‘step down’ tweet was seen by 5.1 million and your whoops retraction tweets has been seen by 400,000.”

Source: TMZ, CNN

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