Miley Cyrus Says She Inherited Her Fathers Narcissism

Miley Cyrus Says She Inherited Her Fathers Narcissism

Miley Cyrus Says She Inherited Her Father’s Narcissism

Miley Cyrus recently opened up about inheriting narcissistic traits from her father, Billy Ray Cyrus, during an episode of David Letterman’s Netflix series, My Next Guest Needs No Introduction. The singer delved into her early career and family dynamics, shedding light on her relationship with her father.

When asked about her siblings and their move from Tennessee to Los Angeles during her Hannah Montana days, Miley admitted to having a poor memory. She attributed this to inheriting narcissism from her father, saying, “I don’t know anything about my siblings, except for the part that I was doing.”

Despite this, Miley expressed gratitude for her father’s influence. She acknowledged that Billy Ray provided her with a roadmap for navigating the music industry, highlighting both what to do and what to avoid. “I’m grateful for being able to watch him ahead of me. He’s almost given me this map,” she said.

While Miley declared her mother, Tish Cyrus, as her “hero,” she noted that she and her father share a creative bond. This connection has made her feel more secure in her own mind. “I think a lot of his perspective on reality and on life, I’ve inherited from him, more so than the way that I was raised — which really, my mom raised me,” she added.

Psychologist Ryan C. Warner explains that narcissism involves traits like excessive self-focus, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. Its most severe form, narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), can significantly impact daily life and relationships. However, Miley did not claim that she or her father have been clinically diagnosed with any form of narcissism.

Natalie Jambazian, a therapist specializing in NPD and narcissistic abuse recovery, notes that narcissism exists on a spectrum. One can exhibit narcissistic traits without having NPD. Common traits include a sense of grandiosity, entitlement, and a lack of empathy for others.

Jambazian explains that narcissistic traits can be modeled, meaning that children of narcissistic parents may mirror their behavior. She adds that narcissists often engage in cycles of abuse with their romantic partners or loved ones, initially showering them with attention before later devaluing them.

For those on the lower end of the narcissism spectrum, it is possible to recognize these traits and change them. Awareness is key, and therapy can help create new patterns of behavior. However, those with extreme narcissism often do not see their behavior as problematic and are unlikely to change.

Miley’s comments come amid ongoing speculation about a rift between her and her father, especially following her parents’ divorce in 2022. Signs of tension were evident when Miley, along with her siblings Brandi and Trace, attended Tish’s wedding to Dominic Purcell in August 2023, while Noah and Braison were absent. Miley even served as her mom’s maid of honor.

Adding to the family drama, reports surfaced that Noah had been involved with Purcell before he got together with Tish. Miley further fueled speculation by thanking her mother but not her father during her Grammy Awards acceptance speech in February.

Billy Ray has also moved on, marrying musician Johanna “Firerose” Hodges last October. However, their marriage was short-lived, as he filed for divorce from Firerose after less than a year, citing irreconcilable differences and “inappropriate marital conduct.”

Despite the family turmoil, Miley’s recent interview suggests that she is trying to navigate her relationship with her father with grace. She emphasized that her parents sacrificed a lot for their children, making their dreams possible. “My parents served us and sacrificed so much for us. Anything we dreamed of, they made possible,” she said.

In a recent social media post, Billy Ray expressed pride in Miley, calling her a survivor and a true artist. “She learned early on to love and appreciate the fans who make everything possible,” he wrote.

As the Cyrus family continues to navigate their complex relationships, Miley’s candid reflections offer a glimpse into the challenges and dynamics at play. While she acknowledges the narcissistic traits she inherited from her father, she also recognizes the positive influence he has had on her career and life.

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