Millie Gibson Talks About the New Man in Ruby Sunday’s Life on Doctor Who Exclusive

Millie Gibson Talks About the New Man in Ruby Sunday’s Life on Doctor Who Exclusive

There’s an undeniable thrill that comes with the introduction of a new companion in Doctor Who. Each new character brings a fresh perspective, energy, and a sense of adventure that reinvigorates the beloved series. This is particularly true for Ruby Sunday, who makes her debut in the Christmas special titled “The Church on Ruby Road.” In this episode, she finds herself aboard a goblin ship alongside the Fifteenth Doctor, marking the beginning of a transformative journey for her.

Actress Millie Gibson, who portrays Ruby, recently shared her insights about the character, her experiences on set, and what fans can anticipate in the upcoming season.

When asked about the process of developing Ruby’s character, Millie explained that her initial audition provided limited information. The descriptors she received included “charismatic, bubbly, and craving adventure.” However, she noted that these traits are common among companions. As she worked with showrunner Russell T Davies, she learned more about Ruby’s unique qualities.

Russell emphasized that Ruby is inherently positive, with an underlying mystery that propels her forward. Millie found it challenging to portray a character without any hint of sarcasm, especially since her previous role as Kelly Neelan on Coronation Street was quite the opposite. This contrast made Ruby a refreshing change for her as an actress.

The holiday special reveals some intriguing aspects of Ruby’s backstory, particularly her relationship with her mother. While Millie couldn’t divulge too many details, she hinted that viewers can expect Ruby to uncover more about her life as the series progresses. This journey of self-discovery is a significant part of being a companion, as they often serve as the audience’s lens into the Doctor’s world.

The connection between Ruby and the Doctor is also a focal point of the narrative. Millie explained that they bond over their shared experiences of feeling abandoned. The Doctor sees Ruby’s courage during a pivotal moment on the goblin ship, which solidifies their friendship. Their personalities complement each other, creating a dynamic that promises to be both entertaining and heartfelt.

One of the standout scenes for Millie was the ladder scene, where Ruby and the Doctor interact in a high-stakes moment. Filming this scene was a new experience for her, as she had never worked with wires before. Russell cleverly incorporated a line that allowed her to conceal the wires under her costume, making the scene both challenging and exhilarating.

Another memorable moment was when Ruby and the Doctor spontaneously began singing together. Millie recalled that they were caught off guard, expecting to record the song in post-production. Instead, they ended up performing it live, which added an unexpected layer of authenticity to the scene.

Stepping onto the TARDIS set for the first time was a surreal experience for Millie. She described her excitement as she explored the iconic time machine, marveling at its grandeur. The moment when Ruby realizes the TARDIS is bigger on the inside is a classic rite of passage for companions, and Millie relished the opportunity to portray that wonder.

As for the TARDIS itself, Millie expressed her fondness for its design, particularly the jukebox element that reflects Ruby’s vibrant personality. She believes this new iteration of the TARDIS aligns perfectly with the tone of the upcoming season.

When asked to summarize the adventures of the new season in three words, Millie chose “dark, musical, and snow.” This hints at a season that will explore deeper themes while also incorporating elements of fun and whimsy.

With Ruby Sunday, Russell T Davies has reintroduced the concept of a special or “Chosen One” companion, reminiscent of characters like Clara and Rose. Ruby’s backstory, which includes being left at a church on Christmas Eve, adds layers of intrigue to her character. As the Doctor navigates Ruby’s past, fans are left to speculate about the mysteries that lie ahead.

Theories abound regarding Ruby’s origins and her connection to the Doctor. Some fans have speculated that Ruby could be the Doctor’s daughter, drawing parallels to River Song. Others have suggested that she might be related to the Doctor’s granddaughter, Susan. These theories add an exciting dimension to Ruby’s character and keep the audience engaged as they ponder the possibilities.

As the season unfolds, viewers can expect to see Ruby’s character develop further, revealing more about her past and her relationship with the Doctor. Millie Gibson’s portrayal of Ruby Sunday promises to be a captivating addition to the Doctor Who legacy, and fans are eager to see where this new journey will lead.

Source: Nerdist, BBC Studios/Bad Wolf

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