Mother breaks down in tears pleading for missing teen in Tenerife

Mother breaks down in tears pleading for missing teen in Tenerife

The mother of missing teenager Jay Slater has made a heart-wrenching plea for his safe return. Debbie Duncan, Jay’s mother, broke down in tears as she begged for anyone who might be holding her son to release him. Jay, an apprentice bricklayer, has been missing for three days after attending a rave party on the Spanish island of Tenerife. He was last seen leaving the event with two British men and heading to their isolated Airbnb apartment in Masca, a remote village known for its dangerous terrain.

Debbie has not heard from Jay since he messaged his friend Lucy Mae Law at 8:50 am on Monday, saying he was 19 miles away at the apartment and trying to make his way home. The search for Jay has been extensive, involving helicopters, mountain rescue dogs, and drones, but so far, there has been no trace of him. Spanish police are treating the case as a missing person investigation, although fears are growing that Jay may have been abducted.

Debbie, who flew out to Tenerife to be closer to the search efforts, has been staying in her apartment in Los Cristianos, leaving the search to family and friends who have joined her on the island. She described Jay as a “good boy” and pleaded for his safe return, saying, “If anyone does have him, just let him go, he’s not a bad person. Maybe he’s got in with some strangers who’ve befriended him.”

The isolated village of Masca, where Jay was last known to be, is a notoriously dangerous area, and many rescue operations have been launched there in recent years. Debbie expressed her fears, saying, “If he’s got himself mixed up with any trouble, just let him go. It’s been three days, he’s in the same clothes. If he’s been dumped in the mountains, it’s hot in the day and cold at night.”

Jay’s disappearance has left his family and friends in a state of anguish. Debbie said, “Jay is a brilliant person, everybody loves being in his company. He’s bubbly and fun, he’s such a lovely, beautiful boy. I just want my little baby home with me.” She added that Jay was supposed to fly home from Tenerife, and she had even booked a taxi for his return. “I just don’t know what to think. I’m all over the place and trying to keep positive. Has somebody taken him? Is he panicked and lost in the mountains? I just don’t know. That’s why if anyone has any information, please just tell us.”

The search for Jay has entered its fourth day, with police officers and firefighters scouring the Masca ravine and surrounding areas. Debbie has received numerous messages from people claiming to know where Jay is, but none have led to any concrete information. She has handed over these messages to the police, who continue to investigate.

Jay’s friend Lucy Law has been critical of the Spanish police’s efforts, saying they “could be doing more.” She tracked down the house where Jay was last seen and spoke to the occupants, who told her that Jay had gone out for a cigarette before saying he wanted to go home. Lucy said, “They told me he’d spoken to the next-door neighbors, and they’d told him there was a bus every 10 minutes back down to Los Cristianos. The bus stop was right next to the house, so if he’d gone to get the bus, he wouldn’t have got lost.”

Jay’s final Snapchat picture, taken at 7:30 am on Monday, shows an out-of-focus image of a hand holding a cigarette at a property in the Buenavista del Norte area. Since his disappearance, Debbie has received sickening phone calls and messages from trolls, including one that read, “Kiss goodbye to your boy, you’re never going to see him again, he owes me a lot of money.”

Despite the distressing messages, Debbie remains hopeful that Jay will be found. She has been joined in Tenerife by Jay’s father, Warren Slater, and brother, Zak, as well as around 15 other family members and friends who have flown out to help with the search. Accrington and Rossendale College, where Jay was completing his apprenticeship, issued a statement expressing their deep concern for his safety and well-being.

The search for Jay continues, with police and rescue teams working tirelessly to find any clues that might lead to his whereabouts. Debbie’s tearful plea for her son’s safe return has touched the hearts of many, and the community remains hopeful that Jay will be found soon.

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