Municipal Police Introduce the Use of Body Cameras

Municipal Police Introduce the Use of Body Cameras

Antonio Martínez Romo, the head of the Municipal Public Security Secretariat (SSP), recently announced that the department has over 600 body-worn cameras, known as bodycams. These devices have been assigned to both preventive and traffic police to document police interventions.

Martínez Romo emphasized that these state-of-the-art cameras must be visible at all times. They record high-definition video, which is stored for one month in compliance with legal requirements. This footage can be critical in clarifying various incidents, including arrests, traffic events, and risky situations.

In addition to utilizing these cameras, municipal police officers receive ongoing training in human rights. This training is part of a collaborative effort with the State Human Rights Commission (CEDH), ensuring that the new equipment supports their work in this area.

The introduction of bodycams represents a significant step towards enhancing accountability and transparency in the police force, contributing to better community relations. For more details, you can read the full article here.

For further information about this initiative and its implications on policing, visit Newsweek en Español.

Body-worn camera

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