My Son, the Femicide | Profile

My Son, the Femicide | Profile

I know that I won’t have enough time in my life to completely deconstruct my beliefs and behaviors, and perhaps that’s a justification for my shortcomings. It’s frustrating to realize that many men, including myself, tend to downplay the inherent machismo we carry and its consequences. This leads to an unsettling question: Are we all potential femicides?

What troubles me most is that I don’t want to pass these harmful behaviors, beliefs, and practices onto my son, especially those that hinder women’s rights. I’m genuinely scared that his upbringing will occur in a socio-cultural environment rife with sexist violence and other disturbing forms of aggression.

The topic reminds me of the tragic case of Catalina, where my friend became both my companion and a murderer. It’s a stark reminder of the complexities of our relationships and the darkness that can lurk behind them.

However, I recognize that my son’s upbringing doesn’t rest solely on my shoulders or the love that his mother and I provide. My own development wasn’t shaped only by my mother’s teachings; it was influenced by a wider context.

There is a pressing need for more male leadership to help us reflect on and take responsibility for the damage inflicted by machismo. Additionally, we need public policies that promote a shift away from entrenched patriarchal stereotypes.

No father wishes for his son to become a femicide. No father wants his daughter to be murdered, falling victim to gendered violence.


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