New Clash Between David Luna and Gustavo Petro Over Violence in Cauca: “The Government Favors Them with Ceasefires”

New Clash Between David Luna and Gustavo Petro Over Violence in Cauca: “The Government Favors Them with Ceasefires”

On July 24, Senator David Luna and President Gustavo Petro engaged in a heated exchange on social media regarding a recent wave of violence in the Cauca region. The conflict escalated due to an attack by members of the Central General Staff (EMC), a dissident faction of the FARC, on civilians in El Plateado, a locality in Argelia, Cauca.

The attack resulted in the tragic death of 10-year-old Dylan Erazo and injured six others. This incident sparked outrage from Senator Luna, who took to his social media platforms to criticize the president’s "Total Peace" policy. He accused the government of offering too many concessions to these criminal organizations, which he believes have only grown stronger as a result.

Luna expressed his sorrow for the state of the country, stating, "It’s painful to see how the country continues to regress. This government has dedicated itself to appeasing and yielding to criminals, who are now much more powerful than they were years ago." He pointed out that while dissidents continue to attack civilians, the government grants them ceasefires that are often not honored.

In the wake of this criticism, details emerged surrounding a recent scandal involving the National Protection Unit (UNP). This scandal included a convoy of seven vehicles transporting FARC dissidents, including Alexander Díaz, also known as Calarcá, who is currently negotiating peace with the government. Alarmingly, at least seven members of the dissident group, some with outstanding arrest warrants, were also present.

In response, President Petro addressed the senator’s allegations, asserting that the ongoing violence in Cauca was a direct result of his decision to suspend a bilateral ceasefire on March 20 following the murder of social leader Carmelina Paví Yule. This action disrupted the peace negotiations with dissident leader Iván Mordisco.

Petro stated, “We are not in a ceasefire in Cauca with the EMC, which is why there are combats and why the EMC is pressuring a ceasefire by recruiting and killing children.” He emphasized the stark contrast between the violent actions of those factions that remain outside the negotiation table and the ongoing talks with Calarcá’s troops.

The exchange highlights the complex and contentious nature of Colombia’s ongoing conflict, particularly in regions like Cauca, where violence against civilians persists. The situation continues to develop, raising concerns about the effectiveness of the government’s policies in addressing these significant challenges.

For further insights on Colombia’s peace process and ongoing conflicts, visit Human Rights Watch.

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