New Decemberists Album ‘Wildwood’ Novels and Much More

New Decemberists Album ‘Wildwood’ Novels and Much More

The Decemberists have long been known for their narrative-driven music, and their latest album, “Wildwood,” is no exception. This new release marks a significant milestone in the band’s career, blending their signature storytelling with a fresh musical approach. Colin Meloy, the band’s frontman, has always been a master storyteller, and “Wildwood” showcases his ability to weave intricate tales through song.

“Wildwood” is a double album, a format that allows the band to explore a wide range of musical styles and themes. The album features a mix of stripped-down folk songs and buoyant pop tunes, as well as longer, more complex compositions. One of the standout tracks is “Joan In The Garden,” a 20-minute epic that retells the legend of Joan of Arc. This song is the longest the band has ever recorded and serves as a testament to their ambition and creativity.

Meloy has been collecting material for “Wildwood” over the past six years, and the album reflects the diverse influences and experiences that have shaped his songwriting. The process of creating the album was a collaborative effort, with Meloy and producer Tucker Martine working together to whittle down a collection of 22 demos to the final 15 tracks. Each of the four sides of the double album has its own unique character, a deliberate design choice that adds depth and variety to the listening experience.

In addition to his work with the Decemberists, Meloy has been busy with other creative projects. He has written three children’s novels, which are being adapted into a feature film set for release next year. He is also working on his debut adult novel, “Cascadia,” which is scheduled to be published in 2025. These ventures into fiction writing have allowed Meloy to flex his storytelling muscles in new ways, and his literary work has been well-received by both critics and readers.

Meloy’s ability to tell compelling stories extends beyond his music and writing. He has made guest appearances on sitcoms and late-night shows, and his eclectic interests have led him to explore a wide range of topics, from progressive rock to the music of Hüsker Dü and the Replacements. This diverse array of influences is evident in the Decemberists’ music, which has evolved over the years while maintaining a strong narrative focus.

The band’s previous album, “As It Ever Was, So It Shall Be Again,” was released in 2018, and “Wildwood” marks their first new release in six years. This long interval between albums allowed Meloy to gather a wealth of material and ideas, resulting in a richly textured and ambitious record. The album’s structure, with its distinct sides and varied musical styles, reflects the band’s desire to create a cohesive and immersive listening experience.

“Wildwood” is not a concept album in the traditional sense, but it does have a deliberate structure and thematic coherence. The album’s sequencing and design were carefully planned, with each side offering a different flavor and mood. This approach is reminiscent of classic double albums like Hüsker Dü’s “Zen Arcade,” which also featured distinct sides with their own unique character.

The Decemberists’ ability to blend different musical genres and styles is one of their greatest strengths. While they have dabbled in progressive rock, they are ultimately a band that values pop songcraft and storytelling. This versatility is evident in “Wildwood,” which features everything from folk-pop tunes to psychedelic soundscapes. The band’s willingness to experiment and push boundaries has earned them a dedicated fanbase and critical acclaim.

One of the most memorable aspects of the Decemberists’ live performances is their theatricality. Songs like “The Mariner’s Revenge Song” have become fan favorites, thanks in part to the elaborate staging and props used during live shows. This sense of drama and spectacle is also present in “Wildwood,” particularly in the album’s longer tracks, which allow the band to explore more complex and immersive musical landscapes.

Meloy’s literary work has also contributed to the band’s storytelling prowess. His children’s book series, “Wildwood,” co-created with his spouse Carson Ellis, has been a major success and is being adapted into a film. The series’ rich, folkloric world and intricate plotlines have captivated readers of all ages, and the upcoming film adaptation is highly anticipated.

In addition to his children’s books, Meloy’s debut adult novel, “Cascadia,” promises to be an exciting new chapter in his career. The novel, which features more mature themes and language, allows Meloy to explore different narrative techniques and storytelling approaches. This foray into adult fiction is a natural extension of his work with the Decemberists, as both his music and writing are characterized by their strong narrative focus and attention to detail.

“Wildwood” is a testament to the Decemberists’ enduring creativity and ambition. The album’s diverse musical styles, intricate storytelling, and ambitious scope make it a standout release in the band’s discography. As Meloy continues to explore new creative avenues, both in music and literature, fans can look forward to more captivating stories and innovative music from the Decemberists.

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