Newsom withdraws California crime measure day after calling it ‘critical step’

Newsom withdraws California crime measure day after calling it ‘critical step’

In a surprising turn of events, California Governor Gavin Newsom withdrew a proposed anti-crime ballot measure just one day after promoting it as a vital solution to address property crime and the fentanyl crisis. The decision to pull the measure has sparked widespread criticism and trolling of the Democrat across social media. Newsom announced his proposed ballot measure on Monday, July 1, touting it as a “critical step” in combating property crime and the ongoing fentanyl crisis.

The measure was intended to be a more moderate alternative to a Republican-backed proposal set to appear on the ballot this fall. This Republican-backed measure seeks to repeal parts of Proposition 47, a landmark bill that reclassified many crimes in California from felonies to misdemeanors. Supported by conservative lawmakers, big-box retailers, and prosecutors, the measure has garnered significant attention and debate.

Despite the initial support from some corners, Newsom’s proposal faced skepticism from moderate and progressive Democrats in the state legislature. According to the Los Angeles Times, many legislators viewed the proposal as a hasty reaction to the Republican effort. Additionally, state legislative leaders had previously promised not to amend Proposition 47, instead focusing on alternative anti-crime bills. Amid these uncertainties, Newsom traveled to Washington DC to meet President Joe Biden and other Democratic governors on Wednesday, July 3.

This move came in the wake of Biden’s underwhelming performance in a recent presidential debate, which had sparked discussions about potential replacements for the Democratic nomination. Newsom’s trip to the capital added to the urgency and tension surrounding the ballot measure. In a statement addressing the withdrawal of the proposal, Newsom cited the inability to meet the ballot deadline as the primary reason for the decision. “We are unable to meet the ballot deadline to secure necessary amendments to ensure this measure’s success and we will be withdrawing it from consideration,” he remarked. “I’d like to thank the Legislature and countless stakeholders who came to the table to work on meaningful reforms and I look forward to our work ahead,” Newsom added.

The abrupt withdrawal of Newsom’s ballot measure did not go unnoticed by his critics. The California District Attorneys Association (CDAA), which has long advocated against Proposition 47 and supported the Republican-backed measure, celebrated the withdrawal. In a statement, CDAA CEO Greg Totten expressed satisfaction with the outcome. “We are pleased the Governor and Legislature have dropped their countermeasure and welcome them to join our campaign to responsibly amend Prop 47 to deal with retail theft, the fentanyl crisis, and homelessness,” Totten said.

The internet quickly became a hotbed of trolling aimed at California Governor Gavin Newsom and Democrats in the wake of the withdrawal of the anti-crime measure. On Facebook, one user said, “Once again Democrats favor criminals over the victims.” While another remarked, “Dem party in chaos and can’t even copycat anymore.” One person wrote, “The man who started San Francisco on its downward spiral, and then the whole state of California.” Another commented, “The fact that the vote on the measure was timed to coincide with the holiday — during which time THEY KNEW most lawmakers would be gone — makes me think Democrats never took it seriously, in the first place.” One individual posted, “CA politicians promote violent criminality.” Another stated, “Democrats have no clue how to curb crime.” Another user said, “Another worthless politician.” One person wrote, “Gotta give him credit for consistently being the worst governor on every issue.”

California Democrats were set to vote Wednesday on an anti-crime measure that Gov. Gavin Newsom hoped would combat a Republican-backed one that will be on the ballot in the state this fall, but Democrats reversed course at the last second, halting the effort. Newsom held up his proposed ballot measure as a “critical step” to address property crime and the fentanyl crisis in an announcement Monday. But the measure was taken off state legislators’ agenda just a day later, before they were set to vote on its approval for the November ballot on Wednesday.

Newsom had hoped the measure would offer a more moderate alternative to a reform proposal that will be on the Election Day ballot. That proposal aims to repeal parts of Proposition 47, a landmark bill that turned many crimes in the state from felonies to misdemeanors. It’s backed by conservative lawmakers, as well as big-box retailers and prosecutors. Both moderate and progressive Democrats in the state Legislature had been wary of Newsom’s proposal, which some viewed as a hasty response to the Republican effort, the Los Angeles Times reported. State Legislature leaders had also previously promised not to make any reforms to Prop 47 at all, instead proposing alternative anti-crime bills.

The measure needed to be passed and signed by midnight Wednesday to be eligible for the ballot. But those concerns, combined with lawmaker absences due to the Fourth of July holiday, put the results of a vote up in the air. Newsom then decided to travel to Washington to meet with President Biden and other Democratic governors on Wednesday amid concerns within the party following the president’s poor performance in last week’s debate. The California governor has been floated as a top pick to replace Biden, if the president were to end his reelection campaign.

“We are unable to meet the ballot deadline to secure necessary amendments to ensure this measure’s success and we will be withdrawing it from consideration,” Newsom said in a statement about the decision to pull the proposal. “I’d like to thank the Legislature and countless stakeholders who came to the table to work on meaningful reforms and I look forward to our work ahead.” Newsom blamed the measure’s failure on the California District Attorneys Association (CDAA) for not working with the administration. The CDAA has backed the other anti-crime reform measure and has advocated against Prop 47 for years. The CDAA celebrated Democrats withdrawing the countermeasure in a statement. “We are pleased the Governor and Legislature have dropped their countermeasure and welcome them to join our campaign to responsibly amend Prop 47 to deal with retail theft, the fentanyl crisis and homelessness,” association CEO Greg Totten said.

Source: The Hill, Los Angeles Times

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