Ocasio-Cortez Supports Biden Declaring ‘The Matter is Closed’

Ocasio-Cortez Supports Biden Declaring ‘The Matter is Closed’

In a recent development, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has voiced her support for President Joe Biden, emphasizing that his candidacy for re-election is a settled matter. Ocasio-Cortez’s endorsement comes amid a flurry of discussions and debates within the Democratic Party regarding Biden’s viability as the nominee for the 2024 presidential election.

Ocasio-Cortez, a prominent figure in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, stated that she had a conversation with Biden over the weekend. She affirmed that Biden made it clear he is committed to running for re-election. “The matter is closed. Joe Biden is our nominee. He is not leaving this race. He is in this race, and I support him,” she told NBC News. Her statement underscores the importance of unity within the party as they prepare for the upcoming election.

The congresswoman’s support is significant, given her influence among younger and more progressive voters. She stressed the need for the party to focus on what it takes to win in November, highlighting the critical issues at stake. Ocasio-Cortez’s backing of Biden aims to consolidate support and dispel any doubts about his candidacy.

This endorsement comes at a time when Biden’s campaign is facing scrutiny from various quarters. Some Democratic lawmakers and strategists have expressed concerns about his performance and ability to lead the party to victory. However, Ocasio-Cortez’s unequivocal support signals a push to rally the party around the incumbent president.

Biden’s campaign has been actively working to address these concerns and reinforce his position as the Democratic nominee. Recently, the Biden campaign launched an ad focusing on abortion rights, a pivotal issue for many voters. The ad highlights the overturning of Roe v. Wade during Trump’s presidency and positions Biden as a defender of women’s rights. This move is part of a broader strategy to draw clear contrasts between Biden and Trump, particularly on issues that resonate with key voter demographics.

In addition to Ocasio-Cortez, several other Democratic leaders have also voiced their support for Biden. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) reiterated his backing of Biden, stating that his position has not changed. Jeffries emphasized the importance of unity within the party and the need to focus on the upcoming election.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) also expressed his support for Biden, stating, “As I’ve said before, I’m for Joe.” Schumer’s endorsement is crucial as it reflects the confidence of senior Democratic leaders in Biden’s ability to lead the party to victory.

Despite these endorsements, some Democrats have called for Biden to step aside. Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) have suggested that Biden should consider his legacy and the best path forward for the party. These calls reflect the ongoing debate within the party about the most effective strategy to defeat Trump in the upcoming election.

Biden’s campaign has been actively engaging with key constituencies to solidify support. He recently spoke with members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), a group that has been a steadfast supporter of his presidency. During the virtual meeting, Biden emphasized his commitment to uplifting Black Americans and growing wealth within the community. The CBC’s support is vital for Biden, given the significant role Black voters played in his 2020 victory.

The Biden campaign is also focusing on mobilizing support from other key demographics. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) plans to roll out 57 buses in Milwaukee during the Republican National Convention, featuring slogans promoting Biden’s re-election campaign. This initiative aims to highlight the stakes of the upcoming election and galvanize support for Biden.

As the campaign progresses, Biden’s team is working to address any concerns about his performance and health. The White House recently released a letter from Biden’s personal physician, Kevin O’Connor, detailing his visits to a neurologist and confirming that Biden is not showing signs of any neurological disorder. This transparency is part of an effort to reassure voters about Biden’s fitness for office.

In the face of these challenges, Biden remains resolute in his commitment to running for re-election. During a recent call with key campaign donors, he reiterated that he is “not going anywhere” and emphasized his determination to defeat Trump. Biden’s campaign co-chair, Jennifer O’Malley Dillon, provided a preview of the president’s upcoming engagements, highlighting his active schedule and ongoing efforts to connect with voters.

The support from Ocasio-Cortez and other Democratic leaders is a crucial boost for Biden as he navigates the complexities of the re-election campaign. Their endorsements aim to unify the party and focus on the critical issues that will define the upcoming election. As the campaign moves forward, Biden’s team will continue to work on consolidating support and addressing any concerns to ensure a strong showing in November.

Source: NBC News

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