OJ Simpson executor seeks permission to auction belongings

OJ Simpson executor seeks permission to auction belongings

O.J. Simpson’s estate executor, Malcolm LaVergne, is seeking judicial approval to auction off the late football star’s belongings. LaVergne, who transitioned from being Simpson’s longtime lawyer to managing his affairs posthumously, has filed court documents requesting permission to sell items that were in Simpson’s possession at the time of his death. These items, LaVergne believes, could be of significant public interest and potentially lucrative.

The court documents, obtained by TMZ, reveal that LaVergne is eyeing the sale of several items, including Simpson’s Heisman Trophy, golf clubs, car, and even his driver’s license. The authenticity of the Heisman Trophy is uncertain, but LaVergne is hopeful that these items could fetch a high price at auction, thereby increasing the value of Simpson’s estate.

The primary motivation behind this move is to address the debts Simpson left behind, including a substantial $500,000 tax lien. LaVergne aims to maximize the estate’s worth to pay off creditors and other interested parties. This includes the families of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman, for whose deaths Simpson was found liable in a 1997 civil trial.

LaVergne told TMZ, “This is the beginning of closure, the best way I see fit as the executor. The money from the auction sales will go toward paying creditors, including Goldman if I can negotiate effectively with the other creditors.” He acknowledges that the Goldman family is unlikely to receive the full amount they have been seeking but believes that a voluntary payment from the estate might be a “Pyrrhic victory”—better than nothing.

The executor’s request comes in the wake of Simpson’s death, which has already spurred a surge in the demand for his memorabilia. TMZ reported that items related to Simpson were quickly selling out when news of his death broke, indicating a strong market for his personal belongings.

LaVergne’s approach to handling the estate has evolved over time. Initially, he declared that the Goldman family would receive “nothing” from Simpson’s estate, a statement he later retracted. He explained that his initial remarks were an emotional response to Fred Goldman’s public comments about Simpson following his death. LaVergne has since confirmed that he would accept the claims against the estate and handle them in accordance with Nevada law.

The executor’s strategy also involves transparency in the probate process. LaVergne has expressed his willingness to meet with the families to discuss their claims against the estate. He noted that while the 1997 judgment awarded the families a $33.5 million payout, all claims against the estate must be dealt with according to Nevada law. He is aware of two active judgments for Ron Goldman’s parents, Fred and Sharon, but has not found evidence of an active judgment from Nicole Brown Simpson’s estate.

Simpson’s final will, filed recently, names LaVergne as the executor and places Simpson’s property into a trust created this year. Under Nevada law, an estate must go through the courts if its assets exceed $20,000. LaVergne has stated that the entirety of Simpson’s estate has not yet been tallied, making it difficult to predict its value.

Despite the civil ruling that found Simpson liable for the deaths of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman, there was never a court order forcing him to pay the judgment. This has left the families still seeking the bulk of the $33.5 million awarded to them, which has ballooned to over $114 million with interest.

LaVergne’s particular ire towards the Goldman family stems from events surrounding Simpson’s planned book, “If I Did It.” The Goldman family won control of the manuscript and published a revised edition titled “If I Did It: Confessions of the Killer,” including their own commentary.

Simpson, who gained fame as a professional athlete and actor, saw his legacy forever altered by the 1994 murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. He was acquitted of criminal charges in 1995, but the civil trial in 1997 found him liable for their deaths.

Fred Goldman, Ron’s father, has always maintained that the issue was never about the money but about holding Simpson accountable. With Simpson’s death, Goldman stated that the hope for true accountability has ended.

As Simpson’s estate goes through the probate process, the Goldman and Brown families will be on equal footing with other creditors. The will lists Simpson’s four children as beneficiaries and includes a clause that any beneficiary challenging the will’s provisions will receive only one dollar.

Simpson claimed to live solely on his NFL and private pensions, with many valuable possessions seized as part of the jury award. His Heisman Trophy was auctioned for $230,000, a testament to the potential value of the items LaVergne now seeks to sell.

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