Olmedo López calls for protection after exposing corruption in government and Ungrd

Olmedo López calls for protection after exposing corruption in government and Ungrd

Olmedo López, the former director of the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (Ungrd), has recently reappeared in a video making an urgent appeal for protection for himself and his family. This plea comes in light of the threats he alleges to have faced following his testimony before the Supreme Court of Justice and the submission of documents to the Attorney General’s Office regarding corruption.

López claims that both his life and the lives of his loved ones are at risk due to his cooperation in exposing a corruption case involving the Ungrd. He expressed his concerns in the video, which aired on Noticias Caracol, highlighting that powerful individuals are attempting to silence him. "I am afraid because I know that powerful people want to silence me," he stated.

The corruption case linked to the Ungrd has drawn significant national attention due to the involvement of high-ranking officials in the mismanagement of funds intended for disaster management. López has become a key figure in this investigation as he openly collaborates with the authorities to shed light on these issues. "The truth I have chosen to share, the truth I have told to the Supreme Court and the Attorney General’s Office," he emphasized.

In his declaration, López expressed gratitude for his survival and urgently requested the necessary protections to continue his collaboration. "Today I thank God that I have reached this moment alive," he expressed, earnestly urging judicial authorities to ensure the safety of both him and his family. "I ask the Attorney General’s Office and the justice system to provide guarantees, protection, and security for me and my family," he added.

The corruption scandal at the Ungrd has led to a wave of investigations and has highlighted the mishandling of resources allocated for national emergencies. The documents López provided, totaling around three hundred pages, aim to contribute to uncovering the truth surrounding these illicit activities. He emphasized the importance of his testimony for the judicial process, stating, "To continue telling the truth."

With over three hundred pages of evidence submitted, López’s collaboration with the authorities could prove crucial in unraveling the corruption within the Ungrd. His request for protection underscores the seriousness of the threats he faces due to his willingness to disclose details about the case. "I have delivered more than three hundred folios," he noted, highlighting the weight of the documentation involved.

The situation surrounding the Ungrd has sparked significant interest from the public and the legal community, demanding firm responses and actions against those involved. Olmedo López’s testimony is becoming a pivotal element, fostering expectations for justice and transparency in the management of public resources.

In closing, López reiterated his commitment to the truth and his hope that authorities will provide the necessary guarantees to protect him. "I ask the Attorney General’s Office… to provide me with guarantees," he appealed, calling on institutions to ensure the safety of both himself and his family.

Image and News Source: https://www.infobae.com/colombia/2024/07/24/olmedo-lopez-clama-por-proteccion-tras-revelar-red-de-corrupcion-dentro-del-gobierno-y-de-la-ungrd/

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