Petro’s government prepares to create new agency: Draft for migration consulate vice ministry ready.

Petro’s government prepares to create new agency: Draft for migration consulate vice ministry ready.

The Colombian government has faced criticism over the establishment of new agencies, including the recent announcement of ten new embassies, which some argue will increase the national budget. However, on the morning of July 24, news emerged that the government is planning to create yet another vice ministry within the Foreign Ministry.

This new entity, known as the Vice Ministry of Migration and Consular Affairs, would be integrated into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, directed by Luis Gilberto Murillo. A draft is already prepared to amend the decree from 2016 that outlines the organizational structure of Colombia’s Foreign Ministry.

According to the ministry, studies are currently underway to assess the viability of this new vice ministry. They emphasize the special nature of the foreign population’s circumstances and how they affect the exercise of fundamental rights.

At present, the Foreign Ministry operates with two vice ministries: Foreign Relations and Multilateral Affairs. The Petro administration aims to expand this framework by introducing a third vice ministry dedicated explicitly to migration and consular matters.

The government’s intention behind this restructuring is to enhance support for the migrant population. The proposal includes establishing four new internal divisions. The ministry pointed out that the existing structural limitations, along with the growing number of issues at hand and the evolving migration dynamics, necessitate the creation of this new vice ministry.

Concurrently, the Consular Affairs Directorate within the Foreign Ministry is working on updating the country’s migration policy. They are drafting a resolution to modify the requirements for entering the diplomatic service. This initiative aims to relax entry criteria, prioritizing applicants from communities that have historically faced exclusion and acknowledging proficiency in indigenous and traditional languages.

The proposed vice ministry’s creation coincides with the ministry’s ongoing efforts to open new consulates and embassies as part of a broader renewal process initiated by the government. This structural realignment seeks to address contemporary migration trends and strengthen the connection between the government and Colombians living abroad.

Finally, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated its commitment to respecting the migration laws of host countries for Colombian nationals. They hope that the principle of free mobility, viewed through a human rights lens, will be upheld throughout the migration process, irrespective of migrants’ status.

For more information, you can visit the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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