Pillbot: How the Robot Pill Works for Medical Diagnoses

Pillbot: How the Robot Pill Works for Medical Diagnoses

There are medical examinations that can be invasive or uncomfortable, such as endoscopy. In this context, the American company Endiatx is developing a capsule known as PillBot. This robotic pill, which has undergone extensive development, started out the size of a soccer ball but has now been refined to the dimensions of an actual pill.

The project has secured funding of 7 million dollars.

Currently, the robotic pill is in phase 3 of clinical trials, aiming to make gastroenterology diagnostics more accessible, comfortable, and cost-effective. It is expected to be available on the market by 2026.

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According to reports, the robotic pill features a multi-pump propulsion system. It can move in various directions by releasing harmless fluid jets, enhancing its mobility within the digestive system. Additionally, it is equipped with a high-resolution camera that streams video at 2.3 megapixels per second. The company aims to further enhance the image quality. The device is also fitted with LED lights, allowing doctors to wirelessly monitor the transmission, contrasting with traditional endoscopy.

Furthermore, the pill takes advantage of the natural movements of the intestines to navigate through the digestive system. However, Endiatx faces the challenge of ensuring that the device can maneuver independently using artificial intelligence, making it a sophisticated tool for medical diagnostics.

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/reperfilar/pillbot-asi-funciona-la-pastilla-robot-para-diagnosticos-medicos.phtml

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