Pop sensation Meghan Trainor opens up about heading back on tour with her kids and more!

Pop sensation Meghan Trainor opens up about heading back on tour with her kids and more!

Pop sensation Meghan Trainor opens up about heading back on tour with her kids and more! The Grammy-winning artist, known for her catchy tunes and empowering lyrics, is gearing up for a new chapter in her life as she prepares to hit the road again, this time with her family in tow.

Meghan, who recently released her latest album “Timeless,” is excited yet overwhelmed by the whirlwind of activities surrounding her. “I’m so busy, I don’t really know what day it is,” she laughs. Despite the chaos, she remains enthusiastic about sharing her music with fans and experiencing the tour life with her children.

The decision to bring her kids along on tour wasn’t made lightly. Meghan and her husband, Daryl Sabara, have always prioritized family, and this tour is no exception. “I want my kids to see what I do and be a part of this journey,” she explains. The couple has been meticulously planning to ensure a smooth experience for their little ones, balancing the demands of touring with the needs of their family.

Meghan’s brother, Ryan Trainor, who often collaborates with her, shares in the excitement. “It’s going to be a wild ride, but we’re ready for it,” he says. The siblings have always been close, and their bond has only strengthened over the years. Growing up in a musical household on Nantucket Island, they were surrounded by music from a young age. Their father, a former band teacher and church organist, instilled a love for music in them early on.

Reflecting on their childhood, Meghan recalls, “We were always in band, playing trumpets, and my dad made sure we stood out with these cool, colorful instruments.” This early exposure to music laid the foundation for Meghan’s successful career. She started writing songs as a child, inspired by artists like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and Carole King. “I thought everyone wrote their own songs,” she says. “I just believed in myself and kept writing.”

As Meghan prepares for her tour, she acknowledges the challenges of balancing her career and family life. “It’s a lot of work, but I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she says. Her husband, Daryl, has been a pillar of support, helping her navigate the complexities of their busy lives. “He’s amazing. We make a great team,” she adds.

The tour will also be a family affair in another sense, as Meghan’s parents, who have moved to be closer to her, will be involved. Her mother now works as her assistant, and her father helps with various tasks around the house. “It’s a family operation,” Meghan says with a smile. “We all pitch in and support each other.”

Despite the hectic schedule, Meghan remains focused on her music and her fans. “I love performing and connecting with people through my songs,” she says. The upcoming tour promises to be a memorable experience for both Meghan and her fans, as she brings her unique blend of talent, energy, and family values to the stage.

Meghan’s journey from a small island to international stardom is a testament to her hard work and dedication. She has faced numerous challenges along the way, but her passion for music and her unwavering belief in herself have propelled her to great heights. As she embarks on this new chapter, she is excited to share her music and her life with her fans, old and new.

In addition to her musical endeavors, Meghan is also committed to using her platform for good. She has been an advocate for body positivity and mental health awareness, using her own experiences to inspire and uplift others. “I want to make a difference,” she says. “If my music can help someone feel better about themselves, then I’ve done my job.”

As Meghan Trainor heads back on tour with her kids and family, she is ready to take on the challenges and joys that come with it. With her infectious energy and heartfelt music, she is sure to create unforgettable moments for her fans and her family. “It’s going to be an adventure,” she says. “And I can’t wait to share it with everyone.”

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