Prince Andrew Gaining Weight Due to Comfort Eating

Prince Andrew Gaining Weight Due to Comfort Eating

Prince Andrew has reportedly gained weight as he battles with his brother, King Charles, over his residence at the Royal Lodge. The Duke of York, who has abandoned a diet that left him feeling miserable and grumpy, is now said to be approaching 15 stone. Sources indicate that Andrew has turned to comfort eating to cope with the stress of the ongoing dispute.

The British tabloid, The Sun, highlighted that Andrew’s weight gain has become noticeable during his recent horse riding outings. Royal author and historian Andrew Lownie, who is currently working on a book about Andrew, mentioned that the Duke’s favorite food is steamed syrup pudding. Lownie noted that Andrew’s weight has fluctuated between 13 and 15 stone over the years, similar to his ex-wife, Fergie, who is also known for her dieting habits.

Margaret Holder, a royal biographer, pointed out that Andrew has had a history of weight issues since childhood. She remarked that both Charles and Anne also experienced periods of chubbiness when they were younger. Holder believes that Andrew’s current weight gain is a result of comfort eating, a habit he has likely developed due to the pressures and uncertainties surrounding his living situation.

The focus on Andrew’s weight comes amid reports that he intends to remain at the Royal Lodge and leave the property to his children. This decision follows King Charles’ renewed efforts to evict Andrew, threatening to cut off his financial support if he does not comply. Palace insiders have dubbed the situation the “Siege of Royal Lodge.”

An outraged friend of Andrew’s expressed disbelief at the King’s actions, stating that Andrew has no intention of moving out. The friend criticized the Palace for reopening the battle through anonymous briefings to the press, drawing parallels to the Harry and Meghan debacle. They emphasized that the Royal Lodge is one of the few things keeping Andrew going and that the notion of him abandoning it, along with his children’s inheritance, is absurd.

Despite the ongoing tensions, Andrew’s supporters argue that he is not in dire financial straits. They assert that he still has the backing of many friends and various business interests. The Daily Beast reported that Andrew’s weight gain has been a topic of discussion, with some suggesting that it is part of a palace scheme to humiliate him.

Recent photos of Andrew, taken during horse riding trips and while driving around Windsor, show that he has gained some weight. However, it is unclear whether this weight gain is as drastic as some reports suggest. Andrew has been described as “portly” for decades, and his current weight struggles may be exacerbated by the stress of his ongoing feud with King Charles.

Andrew’s favorite foods, such as Sainsbury’s meat and potato pie and steamed syrup pudding, have not helped his waistline. The RAF even used to serve these dishes to him on royal flights when he was still undertaking official duties. Holder believes that Andrew’s current weight issues are a product of his situation, as he has been forced to step down from official duties and now spends much of his time at home, watching television.

Lownie, whose biography of Edward VIII, “Traitor King,” was critically acclaimed, disagrees with the notion that Andrew’s situation is as dire as some suggest. He pointed out that Andrew has been seen playing golf in the Highlands and spending time in the Middle East. Lownie believes that Andrew is still enjoying the benefits of being royal without the responsibility and scrutiny.

The latest weight gain comes against a backdrop of tensions with King Charles, who wants Andrew to move out of the 30-room Royal Lodge and downsize to the five-bedroom Frogmore Cottage, previously occupied by Harry and Meghan. Royal sources acknowledge that the King has no power to evict Andrew, as his lease is with the independent Crown Estate. However, the King is concerned that Andrew might not be able to afford to stay without financial aid.

Andrew is determined to remain at the Royal Lodge, which he shares with his ex-wife, Sarah Ferguson. Lownie believes that the narrative of Andrew struggling to pay for repairs and maintenance is exaggerated. He suggests that Andrew has money from a trust fund set up by the Queen and Prince Philip, as well as from the sale of a Swiss ski chalet.

Despite the ongoing feud, Andrew’s supporters argue that he has the financial means to maintain his residence. They believe that he is holding out for something from the King, possibly hoping for his daughters to become working royals. Recent signs of scaffolding and maintenance work at the Royal Lodge suggest that Andrew is not planning to leave anytime soon.

In conclusion, Prince Andrew’s weight gain has become a focal point amid his ongoing dispute with King Charles over the Royal Lodge. While some view it as a palace scheme to humiliate him, others believe it is a result of comfort eating due to the stress of the situation. Regardless, Andrew remains determined to stay at the Royal Lodge, despite the pressures and uncertainties surrounding his living situation.

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