Prince Harry Held Together by Princess Lilibet and Prince Archie

Prince Harry Held Together by Princess Lilibet and Prince Archie

Prince Harry is opening up about his most cherished role: being a father.

The Duke of Sussex, currently in Canada for the Invictus Games Vancouver Whistler 2025’s One Year to Go celebrations with his wife Meghan Markle, shared insights into his life in California with their children, Prince Archie, 4, and Princess Lilibet, 2, during an interview with Good Morning America.

When asked about his parenting style, Harry, 39, humorously responded, “I can’t tell you. That’s classified. It’s top secret!” He then added, “No, the kids are doing great. They’re growing up so fast. They have an incredible sense of humor and keep us grounded every day. I’m just grateful to be a dad.”

Harry also touched on his relationship with his father, King Charles, who was recently diagnosed with cancer. He shared that upon learning of his father’s diagnosis, he immediately flew to see him. “I spoke to him and jumped on a plane to see him as soon as I could,” Harry said.

Reflecting on the impact of his father’s illness on the royal family, Harry noted, “Any illness brings families together. I see it every day with the families of Invictus Games competitors. The strength of the family unit is incredible.”

Harry’s life has transformed significantly since launching the Invictus Games in 2014, especially with his roles as a husband and father. “Being a dad adds another emotional layer,” he told PEOPLE in 2022. He recalled his time in the Army, saying he promised himself he would leave before having a family due to the risks and heartache of being apart.

Meghan and Harry have embraced their titles as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, using “Sussex” as the last name for their children. This follows royal family traditions, and since King Charles became monarch in September 2022, Archie and Lilibet have been afforded the titles of prince and princess.

While Archie and Lilibet stayed in Montecito during their parents’ trip to Canada, they were very much on Harry and Meghan’s minds. Meghan even borrowed a phone to take a photo of Harry in an adaptive ski to show their kids.

Harry has already introduced Archie to the Invictus Games, showing him videos of wheelchair basketball and rugby, which Archie loved. The couple looks forward to bringing their children to the games in the future.

In a recent virtual appearance for his green travel initiative, Travalyst, Harry paid tribute to his late mother, Princess Diana, by sharing a childhood photo with her. He emphasized the importance of sustainable tourism and the role of communities in travel.

Back in California, Meghan celebrated Archie’s fourth birthday with a low-key party at home, surrounded by close friends and family. Archie and Lilibet share a close bond, with Archie often asking, “Where’s Lili?” when she’s not around.

Meghan’s decision to stay in California during King Charles’ coronation reflects the complex dynamics between the couple and the royal family. A palace insider noted that things are strained, and Meghan’s media scrutiny in the UK played a significant role in her decision.

Harry attended the coronation with his cousins, Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice, and their husbands. He wore a morning suit adorned with his service medals and the KCVO neck decoration and star.

Archie and Lilibet were last in the UK during Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022. The trip marked Lilibet’s first visit to the UK, and the family celebrated her first birthday with a casual picnic at Frogmore Cottage.

The Netflix docuseries “Harry & Meghan” provided glimpses of their family life, including Lilibet’s birthday party. The series aired in December 2022, offering an intimate look at their lives.

Upon Queen Elizabeth’s death, Archie and Lilibet were granted the titles of prince and princess. A spokesperson for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex confirmed that this matter had been settled in alignment with Buckingham Palace.

Prince William and Kate Middleton have reportedly invited Harry and Meghan to bring their children to the UK. However, royal expert Tom Quinn suggests that Meghan is unlikely to bring the children due to security concerns and strained relations.

The Sussexes’ security detail in the UK has been a contentious issue since they stepped back from royal duties in 2020. Harry recently lost a High Court challenge over his level of protection in the UK, but he plans to appeal the decision.

Relations between the Sussexes and the rest of the royal family have deteriorated, especially after the publication of Harry’s memoir “Spare.” The book detailed grievances, including an alleged physical altercation with Prince William.

Despite the tensions, there have been signs of reconciliation. After Kate Middleton’s public message about her health battle, Harry and Meghan expressed their wishes for her recovery and reached out privately.

As the royal family navigates these complex dynamics, the bond between Prince Harry, Princess Lilibet, and Prince Archie remains a source of strength and grounding for the Duke of Sussex.

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