Prince Louis’ Hilarious Antics at Trooping the Colour Go Viral

Prince Louis’ Hilarious Antics at Trooping the Colour Go Viral

Prince Louis’ Hilarious Antics at Trooping the Colour Go Viral

He may be the youngest, but Prince Louis has once again captured the hearts of the public with his delightful antics. The 5-year-old royal stole the spotlight during the Trooping the Colour ceremony, a grand event where his grandfather, King Charles, took center stage.

After the ceremony, Prince Louis joined his family on the iconic Buckingham Palace balcony. His parents, the Prince and Princess of Wales, along with his siblings, were all present. However, it was Louis who drew the most attention with his playful behavior.

The young prince was seen stretching his arms out and showing off his tiny fists, much to the amusement of his parents. Prince William struggled to contain his laughter, while Princess Catherine couldn’t hide her joy. Even Prince George, the second in line to the throne, joined in the fun with a silly face.

Social media users were quick to share their reactions. “Prince Louis’ balcony expressions are priceless,” one user tweeted. Another added, “Prince Louis on the balcony will never not be funny.”

As the family prepared to leave the balcony, Prince Louis gave the crowd a cute salute, much to his father’s chagrin. Prince William tried to usher his son inside as King Charles and Queen Camilla led the way.

This isn’t the first time Prince Louis has gone viral for his antics. During King Charles’ Coronation in May, Louis was photographed looking bored on the way to the ceremony. He also made funny faces on the Buckingham Palace balcony.

Last year, at the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, Louis was caught putting his hand over his mother’s mouth and sticking out his tongue. During a flypast over Buckingham Palace, he looked frustrated and covered his ears, creating another memorable moment.

Prince Louis’ antics have made him a fan favorite. A TikTok video comparing his dance moves to those of his father, Prince William, has gone viral. The clip shows Louis shaking his hips and arms, much like his dad. The video has garnered over 160,000 views and 13,000 likes, with comments praising the similarities between father and son.

One user wrote, “Father like son,” while another added, “Louis may look a lot like Kate but the character and attitude is very William.” Another user humorously compared Prince William’s dancing to Hugh Grant’s iconic scene in “Love Actually.”

Prince William is known for his fun side, often delivering dad jokes and participating in magic tricks. Now, it seems his son Louis is following in his footsteps.

During the Trooping the Colour event, Prince George also played the role of the big brother. In a viral clip, George can be seen reminding Louis to face the public and the cameras. Despite enjoying his father’s attention, Louis listened to his older brother.

This isn’t the first time Louis has been gently corrected by his siblings. Last year, Princess Charlotte stopped him from continuously waving to the public during their carriage ride.

The Wales children have a close bond with their father, Prince William. On Father’s Day, they sent a heartfelt message to him, which was shared on social media. The caption read, “We love you, Papa. Happy Father’s Day 💕,” and was signed by George, Charlotte, and Louis.

In the accompanying photo, the family is seen facing away from the camera, overlooking a serene beach with their arms wrapped around each other. It’s clear that George and Charlotte correct Louis because they care deeply for him.

Prince Louis’ hilarious antics at Trooping the Colour have once again endeared him to the public. His playful behavior and close bond with his family make him a beloved figure in the royal family.

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