Profits: Owners and Tenants Can Deduct Rent to Pay Less

Profits: Owners and Tenants Can Deduct Rent to Pay Less

With the new regulations regarding the Income Tax reform outlined in the Palliative and Relevant Measures Law, workers with gross salaries exceeding 1.8 million pesos for singles and 2.2 million pesos for married individuals will now be required to pay this tax. The changes were officially enacted by the Executive Power through decree 652, which allows the new tax structure to take effect this month. As a result, around 800,000 employees who were previously exempt will now begin to contribute to the Income Tax.

Recently, the Federal Administration of Public Revenues (AFIP) announced that both landlords and tenants will be able to deduct a portion of their rental payments from their Income Tax obligations. Despite this change, there are still challenges for renters, particularly when it comes to finding pet-friendly housing. The growing acceptance of pets in businesses has not yet fully translated to the rental market.

Additionally, the deadline for submitting the informative sworn declaration has been extended until September 30, 2024.

According to AFIP, both landlords and tenants renting properties as primary residences can deduct 10% of the total rental amount from their income taxes. This new benefit is in addition to existing deductions, including a 40% deduction for tenants, applicable to amounts up to the tax-free minimum.

To take advantage of this deduction, individuals must report their rental payments for the 2023 tax year using form F. 572 through the “System for Registration and Update of Income Tax Deductions (SiRADIG) – WORKER” service. It is essential to provide proof of the rental payments, such as an invoice or equivalent document, and to submit a pdf copy of the lease agreement.

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