“Pure Dollar”: How the Financial Maneuver Recommended by Javier Milei Works

“Pure Dollar”: How the Financial Maneuver Recommended by Javier Milei Works

Taking advantage of the exchange rate gap often seems like a missed opportunity for investors and savers. Recently, this sentiment was echoed by none other than President Javier Milei, raising questions about the specifics of this financial strategy, commonly referred to as “making puré with the dollar.”

This suggestion does not sit well with authoritarian figures, as professional and critical journalism is a cornerstone of democracy. Such discourse often irritates those who believe they hold the monopoly on the truth.

In simple terms, the “puré dollar” strategy involves capitalizing on profits created by the exchange rate disparity. During a recent radio interview, President Milei encouraged savers to pursue additional benefits through this financial maneuver. He called it a form of “tax amnesty,” indicating that the market would reward individuals for engaging in it. He urged investors not to overlook the opportunity.

The strategy requires several steps to yield results. First, investors sell dollars in the parallel market (blue dollar), then they need to regularize the pesos obtained through this movement with the tax authorities (AFIP). Ultimately, this allows them to purchase dollars on the MEP market. Milei explained that someone with one million dollars could generate a 7% profit through this process, achieving legal tax regularization.

In a climate filled with uncertainty and market volatility, Milei’s best advice was to implement this strategy to profit by making “puré with the dollar.”

For those unfamiliar with this strategy, they now have the presidential endorsement to learn and benefit from it. The steps to execute the “rulo” strategy are as follows:

First, investors must buy MEP dollars by purchasing bonds in pesos, such as Bonar 2030 or Global 2030. After completing the purchase, the next step is to sell those dollars in the market, with the MEP dollar currently priced at approximately $1,333.44.

Next, once this initial phase is completed, the purchased dollars need to be sold again, this time in the informal market, where the dollar’s value (blue dollar) is higher—currently around $1,440.

Finally, the difference between the purchase price (MEP dollar) and the selling price (blue dollar) translates into profits for the investors. This maneuver can yield significant returns, but it hinges on maintaining a considerable gap in the exchange rate.

This strategy becomes particularly appealing during periods of instability and widening exchange rate gaps, prompting investors to capitalize on the situation. With the right knowledge and skills in executing these transactions, individuals can effectively “make puré of the dollar.”

At the time of the presidential advice, the gap between the two exchange rates remained close to 7%. As such, investors could allocate $100,000 to purchase MEP dollars via a financial platform, effectively receiving $75.18 for their investment. After completing the initial transaction, the obtained dollars could be deposited into a bank account for withdrawal and sale in the parallel market at the blue dollar rate, leading to a total of $107,142. This would represent a gain of approximately $7,000, equating to a 7% return.

In summary, the “rulo” strategy consists of simple steps: buy currencies at a lower official market price (MEP) and sell them at a higher rate in the informal market (blue dollar). This “rulo” can produce profits in pesos that were previously inaccessible for MEP purchases but can now be regularized thanks to the government’s tax amnesty.

Acquiring dollars through the “puré dollar” process is also viable in reverse, enabled by a government initiative that allows for the free regularization of funds up to $100,000. In his interview with Fantino, President Milei affirmed that individuals could indeed profit through the rulo and subsequently regularize their earnings. He emphasized that those who take advantage of this opportunity should not let it slip away.

Clearly, these new measures provide avenues for generating profits for those who effectively execute the buying and selling strategy with parallel dollars. Selling in the blue market, completing the regularization process with the AFIP, depositing pesos into a special account, and then purchasing MEP dollars creates a cycle of opportunity for savvy investors.

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/modo-fontevecchia/dolar-pure-como-funciona-la-maniobra-financiera-recomendada-por-javier-milei-modof.phtml

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